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Is permanent happiness possible?

Don’t exist for anybody’s convenience ! , Listen to your body more . If you feel like taking a nap , have one . Follow your intuition, & trust it rather than logically analysing every little thing , If you don’t know where you stand with someone , stand somewhere else . Anything blurry ? Fuzzy ? Confusing? It can’t be trusted . Don’t accept that shit , Eating clean is purposeful once you realize it expands your life to the fullest. People should be filling their diet with the most delicious “clean foods “ , 99.9% of the world isn’t thinking about you & the ones that are aren’t thinking about you that often . So stop worrying about what they think ; it doesn’t matter , You need to be humble enough to not let praise get to your head but cocky enough to not let insults get in your head , Many people use the argument , “ Money doesn’t bring happiness “ . Only delusional people can say that . Money is not the goal . Money helps you achieve the goal , If you c

What is the difference between ego and self esteem?

A group of people is standing in front of you. One of them approaches you and asks you to join them. You agree. Now there are two possibilities - You don’t initiate any conversation with anyone in the group. You don’t laugh at their jokes. All in all you just ignore each and everyone of them. This is what we call ‘ego’ . You try talking with some of the group members but they don’t reciprocate with the same zeal. You try a little more but end up getting ignored by majority of them and then you finally walk out. This is what we call ‘self esteem’ .

What makes someone charismatic?

Lacking Agenda: They aren’t fake nice. Guys are nice to girls because they want sex/relationship in return. Employees are nice to bosses because they want a promotion. Truly likable are nice to people without wanting anything in return i.e. being nice only when they feel like it. Noble Intentions: Even if they lack social charm, they don; ’t have wrong intentions of manipulation. Anyone can practice a few charisma tricks and make themselves likable but without good intentions, it won’t last long. Having Honor: They take the right action even if it means sacrificing their ego or pleasure. Example: accepting one’s mistake despite a blow on ego. Showing Humility: Being humble despite their achievements. They are open to learning from others. Mark Zuckerberg, Einstein, despite their talents, had mentors. Lacking Desperation: They have a life. They know their priorities. Self-improvement and work are more important to them than begging for strangers' times and approval. Not Judging: The

iPhone13 में नया क्या है?

Apple ने हाल ही में अपनी नई iPhone 13 Series को पेश किया है, इस लेटेस्ट सीरीज में iPhone 13 mini, iPhone 13, iPhone 13 Pro और iPhone 13 Pro Max हैं। भारत में ये सभी आईफोन प्री-ऑर्डर के लिए तैयार हैं। बता दें कि भारतीय बाजार में नए आईफोन, 24 सितंबर से बिक्री के लिए उपलब्ध होगे। iPhone 13 Mini Features: महंगे फोन के फीचर्स सस्ते में, इस बार Apple ने iPhone 13 सीरीज के लिए भी iPhone 12 लॉन्च प्राइस को बरकरार रखा है। यानी कि सबसे सस्ते आईफोन 13 मॉडल, iPhone 13 mini की शुरुआती कीमत 69,900 रुपये और सबसे महंगे आईफोन 13 मॉडल, iPhone 13 Pro Max की शुरुआती कीमत 129,900 रुपये है। यहां हम आपको आईफोन 13 प्रो मैक्स के कुछ ऐसे फीचर्स के बारे में बताने जा रहे हैं जो आपको आईफोन 13 मिनी में भी मिलेंगे। 5G सपोर्ट: iPhone 12 Series के जैसे आईफोन 13 सीरीज के सभी मॉडल्स भी 5G को सपोर्ट करते हैं। ऐपल के मुताबिक, यह फीचर सुपर फास्ट डाउनलोड और हाई क्वालिटी स्ट्रीमिंग को सक्षम करता है। OLED डिस्प्ले: आपको सभी आईफोन मॉडल्स, जिसमें सबसे सस्ते iPhone 13 mini से लेकर सबसे महंगे हैं। वहीं किफायती मॉडल iPhone 8, iPho

What are some scientific/technological discoveries that seem to come from the future?

A nanobot grabs a sluggish sperm by the tail and uses it to fertilize an egg. That's some crazy stuff! ; Source:  M. Stanlaire

कुछ ऐसे मनोवैज्ञानिक तथ्य क्या हैं जो याद रखने लायक हैं?

1. यदि आप किसी ऐसे व्यक्ति से हाथ मिलाते हैं जिसे आप प्यार करते हैं, तो यह शारीरिक दर्द के साथ-साथ तनाव और भय को कम करने में मदद कर सकता है। 2. बिना ऑक्सीजन के पांच मिनट भी दिमाग को नुकसान पहुंचा सकता है। 3. हाई-फ़्रीक्वेंसी संगीत सुनने से आप शांत, तनावमुक्त और खुश महसूस करते हैं लेकिन अधिक समय तक ऐसा करना नुकसानदायक होता है। 4. जब आप बात करते हैं, तो आप वही दोहरा रहे होते हैं जो आप पहले से जानते हैं। लेकिन अगर आप सुनते हैं तो आपको कुछ नया सीखने को मिल सकता है। 5. नकारात्मक चीजों को लिख कर कूड़ेदान में फेंक देना एक मनोवैज्ञानिक तरकीब है जो आपके मूड को बेहतर बना सकती है। Source: कंचन सिंह

How can you improve both your attitude and your mindset to live a higher quality of life?

Leave Things Simple - The bottom line is always simple. Remember that when life gets too complex and stop overcomplicating everything. Divide the problem into its simplest form and it won’t be nearly that scary. Let Stuff Go - What does not make you happier afterwards than before is something you should not keep in your life. Be willing to give things up for that makes room for better things. Keep a list you update regularly and cross out things regularly. Be Courageous - It is courage that creates experiences, and those experiences then create a much stronger mindset. Do at least one thing every month that requires you to be bold and brave. Hold Yourself Accountable - At the end of the day what matters is what you get done, not how you feel about it. You have to have a level of accountability to get to where you want to go. Start the week off by writing this “Must-Do” List and keep it very easy. Have Fun Along The Way - Keep a sense of baseline accountability. Know what things you nee

What is the best mindset to have?

Sometimes, Saying “ I don’t know” is a smart strategy, Realize that your actions have consequences , Build a legit wardrobe for the first time in your life. An ideal men’s wardrobe is lean , versatile, functional & makes you look stylish & generates confidence for any occasion, Isolate yourself at times from everything but never from yourself . Ignoring reality won’t make them go away, Don’t read success stories , you’ll only get messages. Read failure stories, you’ll get some ideas to get success, Don’t measure life in terms of money, measure in terms of freedom, Set an intention to bring positive energy to everything you do , No excuses for weakness please ! Your excuses will escort you to the grave, To protect your sanity, get selfish with your energy. Stop giving it to arguments on the internet, Remember, 99% of your biggest worries will never come to you, Just Chill.!! Source:  Mukul Royy

लड़कियों के बारे में रोचक तथ्य क्या हैं?

1- लड़कियों को किसी दूसरी लड़की से Compare करना उन्हें अच्छा नहीं लगता है 2- जब लड़कियों का मूड खराब होता है तो वो कम से कम बात करेंगी. 3- लड़किया बहुत ज्यादा सोचती है चाहे कितनी भी छोटी बात क्यों न हो. 4- लड़कों के मुकाबले लड़कियां अत्यधिक शक मिजाज की होती है 5-साइंटिस्ट का यह कहना है कि ज्यादातर लड़कियां और महिलाएं अपने जीवन का लगभग 1 वर्ष इस बात पर तय करती है कि क्या पहनना है। 6- लड़कियाँ और महिलाएँ अपने जीवन काल में लगभग 1 किलो 800 ग्राम लिपस्टिक खा जाती है। 7- लड़कियां लड़कों के मुकाबले कहीं ज्यादा भावुक होती है लड़कियां छोटी-छोटी बातों पर रोने लग जाती है उस समय बस उन्हें कोई ऐसा चाहिए जो उन्हें समझ सके। 8- लड़कियों को लड़को की तुलना में अधिक दर्द महसूस होता है। लेकिन उनकी सहनशीलता लड़कों की तुलना में बेहतर होती है। 9- लड़कियों को कोई भी बात पचती नहीं है वो किसी भी बात को 47 घंटे 15 मिनट तक गुप्त रख सकती है। 10-अगर आदमी 7 दिन के लिए कही जाता है तो वो 5 दिन के कपड़े लेकर जाता है और अगर लडकिया 7 दिन के लिए जाती है तो 21 सूट लेकर जाती है। Source:  Abhishek Bhardwaj

What are the dynamics of personal transformation

At least once a day , laugh at yourself . Take your work seriously , not yourself , Approach life like a professional. Work when you’re not in the mood for it . Train when you’re a little bit tired . Talk to her even if you’re not drunk , Most men are happy to be mediocre . If you’re aiming for something big , be prepared to feel lonely, You don’t have time to please everybody . You must complete your tasks regardless. Put your interests first, If you’re uncomfortable with hate you’ll never get far in life . Understand , every significant results come with detractors, false accusations , rumours etc . Accept it with smile , If you’re too dominant, & outspoken , people will avoid you due to their fear of being mistreated , crushed or balatantly outshined. If you’re too weak , you’re useless. People will avoid you due to their desire to not associate themselves with unworthy individuals that make them look bad . Learn life !! , When you’ve just one business, you accept ev

How do I practice living in present?

Take care of yourself internally & your life will change externally, for the better, Your energy is flowing to wherever your attention is going . It all comes back to you eventually. Be mindful of what you put out, Appreciate your life despite not having what you want. It’ll give you happiness that you strongly desire, Meditate. Cleanse . Read . Excercise . Cook . Do something productive instead of investing your precious energy in discussing & belittling others, Pay attention to good feelings. Be unapologetically authentic. Let go of unhelpful beliefs, Keeping calm while being misunderstood & slandered by others is superpower, Uphold your boundaries. Honour them . Watch how things & people in life change, No matter what happens in life, there’s always a reason behind it. Even if you don’t understand it at the very moment, you’ll understand in time, Stay open to learning from everyone. But remember that the highest authority in life is always your own heart,

What makes intelligent people intelligent?

I try to differentiate an intelligent person from one that simply has common sense (especially since one does not guarantee the other): Intelligent people see what could be, common sense people see what is Intelligent people think abstractly, common sense people think practically Intelligent people think unilaterally, connecting multiple fields of study. Common sense people focus on a niche and add to the same topic Intelligent people focus on statistics, common sense people focus on  experience Intelligent people push limits, common sense people take advantage of what already is established Intelligent people think inside-out, common sense people think outside-in Intelligent people blend things together, common sense people keep things in their separate boxes Intelligent people take risks, common sense people prefer security Intelligent people see second and third order effects, common sense people a continuation of the same effect Intelligent people connect unlike things,

How can I become less critical of others?

Being a gentleman is always a good idea , Quietly observing instead of reacting to everything you notice is top tier growth, Simplify your routine, you’ll know when it’s time to mix things up, Shed your confirmation biases, be open- minded , & approach , Lack of communication leaves room for imagination, it’s real, Everything is only obvious in retrospect. Don’t label yourself . Don’t blame yourself too much . Learn & do better next time, Declutter & reorganize your most frequently used spaces, There’ll be moments when you’ll be tempted to do the wrong even while knowing that you shouldn’t do it. If you only could control this state of temptation !! , Always be yourself. Live within your means, don’t pretend to be something you’re not. It’s okay, Life isn’t fair, you’ve to accept that & do the best you can regardless, Just Chill.!! Source : Mukul Royy

What should you never do in life regardless of age ?

Don’t do drugs. I know people who have had drug addictions and it ruined their lives. I even lost my uncle to drugs. Don’t. Eat.Scorpions. Trust me I saw a video about it it wont work out well. Don’t send nudes. I did it once and i’m afraid they’re out on the dark web somewhere. Don’t drive drunk. Don’t go into gangs. It’ll ruin your life and reputation. Don’t cheat on your partner. It’ll mess up their mental state. Don’t act superior to those younger than you. Trust me. Karma will slap you in the face hard if you do. Never never never Never say any racial slur in public. Trust me, I did once while joking around with my friend and it really did not work out well. Don’t spread rumors about someone. Don’t assault anyone in anyway, especially children. Don’t expose anyone’s personal issues or bring them into an argument that is beyond hurtful. Don’t tell anyone’s secrets. They trust you for a reason, you know. Don’t poop on your neighbor’s house because you’re pissed at them,

What are the traits of a person who has an above-average IQ?

You can’t pull them into humdrum storms, chit chat and small talk. They get bored with that and even loathe them. Start an interesting topic and they will dive in as if they had always been there. They don’t waste time doing superficial, uninteresting, ususal, common things that don’t benefit them in the long run, whether at work, or at meetings, discussions, debates or even fights. They know when to lose in order to gain later, or lose less in order to gain more. Their calculation is unnerving and not always obvious. They will gladly let you be wrong if they think correcting you is not beneficial in any way. So if one is asking for casual advice the intelligent will usually say very little or nothing at all. They have different and sometimes (well, most of the times) weird opinion/ ideas and questions that can unsettle most people and even irritate them. They are hazardous for team work and more hated than respected for their singularity. If you are intelligent and highly

What should I learn from an intelligent person to improve my life?

You’ll never live if you’re looking for the meaning of life, Confidence can’t be faked. You’re or you’re not, A big secret to longevity is living a low stress life. You can’t control things outside you. You can only control your response, Stop giving a shit what people think of you. Realize they’re hardly thinking of you at all , Rejection is a myth & only exists in the mind, Getting rich is hard , but being broke is also hard . So which hard life are you choosing ? , Be careful what you tolerate. You’re teaching people how to treat you , You’ll have an extremely difficult time persuading someone if you’re not calm , Our greatest addiction is focusing on other people’s lives & noticing what others should be doing better, Problems are common but attitude makes the difference, Just Chill.!! Source : Mukul Royy

What is National Monetization Pipeline Scheme

Recently Finance Minister of India Mrs. Nirmala Sitharaman launches a new Scheme " National Monetization Pipeline" . What is this scheme ? How it will benefit India ? Let's Read with a view of  , they elaborated it very well. """In the 2021-22 budget speech, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has said that monetising operating public infrastructure assets were an important financing option for infrastructure construction. Currently, the government is finalising Rs 6 lakh crore worth of infrastructure assets, which may include national highways and power grid pipelines. To help bolster the government’s finances, India has been planning to raise Rs 6 trillion from selling state-owned infrastructure assets over the next four years. The plan will include the sale of road and railway projects, airports, gas pipelines etc. All of these planned sales are in line with Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s strategic divestment policy. The govern

What is your personal philosophy in life? Why?

Don't rely on anyone. In real life, there's no love like we saw in movies. Don't expect anything from anyone. Don't trust your loved ones easily because they might break your trust. Don't share your feelings to everyone, they might make fun of you, so be aware of that. Don't show your honesty everywhere, because whom they love you, they trust your words too Don't give up just because your friends don't want to corporate or (they're not interest in this). You can find another person whom might help you. Every person and thing is temporary in this earth. Don't trust your siblings too much because they also change after marriage. Just trust your parents And yourself, that's all I can say ❣️ Live your life with the fullest so that you don't have any regrets. Source : Aisha

What things will add value to your life, and why?

If she doesn’t respect you, respect yourself & leave her, Life is simple . Get rid of insecure connections, a few habits, a few emotions , & a few expenditures, She’ll tell you they like to be chased , but the truth is that they love to chase. Stop simping, You’ve to be open. But you also have to be sceptical. Wisdom lies somewhere in between, Our brain is originally designed to keep us in survival mode , not thriving mode. However, with a little bit of practice, we can learn to focus on the positive side of every experiences, Once you’ve grown into independent adulthood, you no longer need somebody to take care of you. You can be responsible for yourself, Don’t sleep on your goals, aspirations, & dreams ! Get started on them today , You can’t be high quality if your perfectionism prevents you from finishing, Men who want to lead relationships with women must be prepared to bear the bulk of the responsibility for everything that happens between them, Keep promot

सबसे अच्छी आर्थिक सलाह क्या है?

किसी भी तरह के कर्ज से पहले छुटकारा पाएं। कम से कम ४-६ महीने की आपातकालीन बचत करें जो आपको कठिन समय से निकाल सके। जितनी जल्दी हो सके जीवन बीमा करवाएं। अपने निवेशों में विविधता लाएं- इक्विटी, एमएफ, डेट इंस्ट्रूमेंट्स, गोल्ड बॉन्ड, क्रिप्टो। ऑनलाइन निवेश के बारे में पढ़ें। विभिन्न प्रकाशनों और यूट्यूब चैनलों पर बहुत सारी जानकारी मुफ्त में उपलब्ध है। कार खरीदने के लिए कर्ज लेने से बचें। अपनी मासिक आय का २०-२५% निवेश करने का प्रयास करें। जब आप छोटे हों तो FD में निवेश न करें। रिटर्न कम है और आपकी संपत्ति नहीं बढ़ेगी। जब आप छोटे होते हैं तो आप थोड़ा जोखिम उठा सकते हैं। अपने खर्च को जानें। एक टैब रखें। एक सीमा तय करें और जब तक वास्तव में आवश्यक न हो, अपने आप को और अधिक खर्च करने की अनुमति न दें। दोस्तों या परिवार को पैसे देना। जान लें कि इसमें से कुछ वापस नहीं आएंगे और दोस्ती / रिश्ते को बर्बाद कर देंगे। अनुभवों पर अधिक खर्च करें। Source : शबरीनाथ नायर

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