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How to Reach Delhi International School Dwarka Sector 23, Delhi 🏫

Hello Friends Today I will tell you the path of Delhi international school situated in Dwarka Sector-23, near adjoining dwarka sector-23 Police station, Delhi-110075. So the path direction is as follows: 1. The common metro station is Dwarka sector-9, so if you are from Delhi then you have to pick blue line metro towards Dwarka sector-21 and if you are from outside Delhi, then first you have to reach Delhi first then read the first point again. 2. After reaching at the exit of Dwarka Sector -9 metro station, there will three mode of public vehicle service : a) E-Riksha - 10 Rs/- Fare b) Riksha - 20 Rs/- Fare c) Auto - 30 Rs/- Fare 3. Pick any of above vehicle and reach your destination- Delhi International School, Dwarka. I hope it will help  Thanks for reading and share atleast once.

What is National Monetization Pipeline Scheme

Recently Finance Minister of India Mrs. Nirmala Sitharaman launches a new Scheme " National Monetization Pipeline" . What is this scheme ? How it will benefit India ? Let's Read with a view of  , they elaborated it very well. """In the 2021-22 budget speech, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has said that monetising operating public infrastructure assets were an important financing option for infrastructure construction. Currently, the government is finalising Rs 6 lakh crore worth of infrastructure assets, which may include national highways and power grid pipelines. To help bolster the government’s finances, India has been planning to raise Rs 6 trillion from selling state-owned infrastructure assets over the next four years. The plan will include the sale of road and railway projects, airports, gas pipelines etc. All of these planned sales are in line with Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s strategic divestment policy. The govern...

How to reach Ion Digital Zone IDZ IIMT Campus Plot No 20-A, Knowledge Park-III, Greater Noida

Hello Friends Today I will share another route of exam centre which is very far away from Delhi and it's better to go to centre on exam day only. Today I am sharing the route of another TCS exam centre " ION Digital Zone IDZ ,IIMT Campus, Plot No 20-A, Knowledge Park-III, Greater Noida ". The route of exam centre is very easy and you can easily reach the centre on exam day. 1. First the common metro station is Botanical Garden Metro, so if you are from Delhi, then first reach botanical garden metro station. And if you are outsider, then first reach Delhi and read 1st point again. 2. After reaching Botanical garden metro station, then you should take bus which goes to Pari Chowk/sometimes direct to exam centre. Fare : Botanical to Pari Chowk- 30 Rupees            Pari Chowk to IIMT - 20 Rupees 3. If bus doesn't go direct to exam centre, then it will leave you to Pari Chowk, then you can take sharing auto there to IIMT exam centre which cost you ...

Preparation Tips to Ace the IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam

The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) conducts a common recruitment exam for the recruitment of Clerks in the Participating Banks.  IBPS is one of the most reputed government organizations in India. Thus, a large number of applicants appear for the exam to secure government jobs offering an attractive IBPS Clerk Salary and various other perks/allowances. IBPS Clerk 2021 will be conducted in the coming days. Thus, it is advised to the candidates to start their preparation right away.   Good Preparation Strategy is considered as one of the main reasons behind the selection of the candidates. On that note, let’s discuss the top preparation tips to ace the IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam. IBPS Clerk Exam Preparation for the Numerical Ability Numerical Ability is considered one of the toughest sections in the exam. It involves a lot of formulas and calculations which makes the section lengthy. To ace the section of the numerical ability, candidates can take the help of ...

Concise Book List by Dilkhush Meena IAS

Mission KarmYogi Official Government Targets

Article about National Recruitment Agency

Source : NBT

Top 10 Cities of Swachh survekshan 2020

On 20 August Indian Govt announced top cities of Swachh Survekshan . I am mentioning just 10 because that's important knowledge to know 1. Indore 2.Surat 3. Navi Mumbai 4.Vijaywada 5.Ahmedabad 6.Rajkot 7.Bhopal 8.Chandigarh 9.Vishakhapatnam 10.Vadodra Top 10 of year 2019 were: 1.Indore 2.Ambikapur 3.Mysuru 4.Ujjain 5.New Delhi (NDMC Part) 6.Ahmedabad 7.Navi Mumbai 8.Tirupati 9.Rajkot 10.Dewas

Super 30 Anand Kumar's Important Advice

Recently Anand Kumar, Famous super 30 Founder shared some wonderful lines on his facebook page which are worth Sharing: " सफलता कितनी भी बड़ी हो, शुरुआत हमेशा छोटी ही होती है| आजकल इस कोविड-19 के दौर में वेबिनार के जरिए स्टूडेंट्स से बात-चीत करने का खूब मौका मिल रहा है। मैं उनके हर तरह के सवालों का जवाब देने का प्रयास भी करता हूं। एक बड़ा कॉमन सवाल पूछा जाता है कि सर मैं आपकी बातें सुनकर पूरी ताकत के साथ पढ़ाई में जुट जाता हूं। रुटीन बनाता हूं। सुबह-सुबह उठता भी हूं। पढ़ना शुरू भी करता हूं, लेकिन कुछ ही दिनों में उत्साह ठंडा हो जाता है और फिर कुछ आगे करने का मन भी नहीं करता है। एक और अहम सवाल अक्सर मेरे सामने आता है कि समय मेरे पास या फिर सफल लोगों के पास 24 घंटे ही होता हैं, लेकिन सफल लोग उस 24 घंटे में क्या कुछ और कैसे करते हैं कि सफल हो जाते हैं और मैं अब तक कुछ नहीं कर पाया हूं। दोनों सवालों का जवाब एक ही जैसा है। दरअसल सफल लोगों को देखकर हम उनकी सफलता और उपलब्धियों से प्रवाभित हो जाते हैं। और यह भी सच है कि सफल इंसान आॅर्गेनाइज्ड तरीके से खूब मेहनत करता है। फिर क्या, ...

How to reach Nunkun Assessment centre C-129 Naraina Industrial Area

Hello Guys Today I will teach you the path of Exam Centre Nunkun Assessment Centre C-129 near Naraina Industrial Area, Delhi-110028 via Metro. So Firstly, here is the pic of Exam Centre for your convenience. Nunkun Assessment Centre, Naraina     And Now time to tell the route Nunkun Assessment Centre is near the Shadipur Metro Station which is on the blue line (Noida-dwarka route), as i picked metro from Mayur Vihar Phase-1, so i am showing you the map of route so that you can take some idea from it and it will help you definitely You have to get out from Metro Gate No-6. Just go straight after coming out from gate no-6 and there will 4 way road, and you can see E-Rickshaw standing there which will take you to the centre in Rs 10/- They will leave you on main road ,you just have to cross the road and reach the exam Centre. Best Of Luck !!!! I hope you like this, so kindly comment below the post and do share your response. Thanks for reading ...

Important Days to Remember - October

1st October- International Day of Older Persons The theme of the International Day of Older Persons 2017 is “ Stepping into the Future: Tapping the Talents, Contributions and Participation of Older Persons in Society. ” This day is about enabling and expanding the contributions of older people in their families, communities and societies at large. It focuses on the pathways that support full and effective participation in old age, in accordance with old persons’ basic rights, needs and preferences. 2nd October- Gandhi Jayanti, International Day of Non-Violence,  World Habitat Day (First Monday of October) The International Day of Non-Violence is marked on 2 October, the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi, leader of the Indian independence movement and pioneer of the philosophy and strategy of non-violence. The United Nations has designated the first Monday of October of every year as World Habitat Day. The theme for World Habitat Day 2 October 2017 was  Housing Policies: Affo...

Important Days to Remember - September

Important Days are a must to remember for Banking, Insurance and SSC exams. These important days are asked in the general awareness section of almost all competitive examination and their knowledge can be also very useful for preparing for interviews. Here we provide you with a list of all Important Days that you must Remember of this month-September. This will come handy for a smooth preparation for upcoming IBPS RRB Officer Scale-I, Office Assistant, SSC MTS, Intelligence Beurue and IBPS 2017 Examination. 5th September- Teacher's Day India has commemorated the birth anniversary of the great Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan since 1962 to honor such wonderful teachers across the country. The first Teachers’ Day was celebrated in India in 1962. This is the year when Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan began serving as the second president of India. 8th September- International Literacy Day This year, International Literacy Day (8 September) will be celebrated across the world under the t...

GA Study Notes On Cement Manufacturing

Manufacturing of Cement Cement is essential for construction activity such as building houses, factories, bridges, roads, airports, dams and for other commercial establishments.The first cement plant was set up in Chennai in 1904.It was discovered by an English Mason, Joseph Aspdin in 1824. He called it Portland cement because he thought that it resembled the limestone found in Portland. Approximate Composition of Portland cement Calcium oxide (CaO) 60-70% Silica (SiO 2 ) 20-25% Alumina (Al 2 O 3 ) 5-10% Ferric oxide (Fe 2 O 3  )         2-3% Raw materials are: Limestone -  (provides lime), Clay -  (provides alumina and silica), Gypsum - (reduces the setting time of cement). For a good quality cement, the ratio of silica (SiO) to alumina Al 2 O 3 ) should be between 2.5 and 4 and the ratio of lime (CaO) to the total of the oxides of silicon (SiO 2 ) aluminium (Al 2 O 3 ) and iron (Fe 2 O 3 ) should be as close as possible to 2. ...

Computer Study Notes: History and Generation of Computers

History and Generations is an important chapter of Computer Awareness for Bank Exams. Computer awareness is a section in upcoming NICL AO Mains and it is also a section in the mains examination of IBPS RRB, IBPS PO and IBPS Clerk exams. Last year many questions in IBPS Examination were from this topic History and Generations, so aspirants must also prepare this along with other topics. You can find more study notes on computer terms asked in recent bank exams and start your preparation. 1. In 1822, Charles Babbage conceptualized and began developing the Difference Engine, considered to be the first automatic computing machine. 2. Then after almost a decade, Charles Babbage proposed the  first general mechanical computer, the Analytical Engine . The Analytical Engine contained an Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU), basic flow control, and integrated memory concept and is the first general-purpose computer. 3. In 1946, ENIAC-  Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer w...

Important Ancient Books on Science and Medicine For SSC CGL EXAM

ATHARVAVEDA (1000 BCE)  Treatise on health, longevity, and curative treatment. Hygiene, dietetics, and beneficial effects of milk have also been elaborately dealt with. BHELA SAMHITA  (800 BCE) A codification of medicine scattered in the Vedas.   Atreya  is known as the writer of Bhela Samhita AGNIVESA SAMHITA (700 BCE)  A codification of medicine by Agnivesa (a disciple of Atreya - founder of Ayurveda).   KASHYAP SAMHITA (600 BCE)  Deals with paediatrics. CHIVARAVASTU (500 BCE)  Mentions the court physician of Bimbisara (King of Magadha) as a marvelous physician and surgeon. Describes difficult surgical operations e.g. opening of the brain and eye surgery.  HIPPOCRATIC OATH (460 TO 370 BCE)  Hippocrates is considered to be the father of western medicine. The Oath is thought to have been written by the Greek physician Hippocrates. In some medical colleges around the world this oath is taken by graduating doctors.  HUANGDI...

Important Newspapers for Governments Exam

1.  Al-Ahram -  Egypt  2.  Izvestia -  Russia  3.  The Dawn -  Pakistan  4.  Daily News -  USA 5.  Daily Telegraph -  UK 6.  Aftonbladet -  Sweden  7.  The Daily Mirror -  UK 8.  The Times -  UK 9.  The Guardian -  UK 10.  New Statesman -  UK 11.  New York Times -  USA 12.  Pakistan Times -  Pakistan  13.  Pravda -  Russia  14.  People’s Daily -  China  15.  Merdeka -  Indonesia  16.  Le Monde -  France  17.  Wall Street Journal -  USA 18.  Clarin -  Argentina  19.  The Age -  Australia  20.  Gulf Daily News -  Bahrain  21.  Correio Braziliense -  Brazil  22.  Chronical-Herald -  Canada  23.  China Daily -  China  24.  Middle East times -  Egypt...

Important Trophies and Associated Games (Part-II) For All Competitive Exam

Important Trophies and Associated Games  Presidents Cup:  Football Prince of Wales Cup:  Golf (England) Raiffeisen Grand Prix Title:  Tennis RCA Championship Title:  Tennis Rogers Cup:  Tennis Ryder Cup:  Golf (England) Schneider Cup:  Seaplane Race (England) Swaythling Cup:  World Table Tennis (men) Thailand Open:  Tennis Thomas Cup:  World Badminton (men)    Tunku Abdul Rahman Cup:  Asian Badminton U Thant Cup:  Lawn Tennis Uber Cup:  World Badminton (women) UEFA Cup:  Football US Open: Tennis  (Grand Slam Tennis) Virginia Long Corn Trophy:  Boxing Virginia Slam Championship:  Tennis Walker Cup:  Golf (England) WBA Title:  Boxing WBC crown:  Boxing Westchester Cup:  Polo (England)   Whiteman Cup:  Tennis Wightman Cup:  Tennis (women: USA and England) William Cup:  Basketball William Todd Memorial Trophy:  Basketball ...

Important Trophies and Associated Games (Part-I) For All Competitive Exam

Important Trophies and Associated Games  America’s cup:  Yacht racing Ashes series:  Cricket (Australia-England) Asia Cup:   Cricket  (Asian countries)      ATP Championship:  Tennis Australia Open:  Tennis Azar Cup:  Polo Azlan Shah Cup:  Hockey   Benson and Hedges Trophy:  Cricket Canadian Open:  Tennis Champions Trophy:  Hockey Champions League T-20:  Cricket ICC Champions Trophy:  Cricket Cincinnati Masters:  Tennis   Colombo Cup:  Football (India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Burma now Myanmar) Corbillion Cup:  World Table Tennis (women) Davis Cup:  Tennis Derby:  Horse Racing Dubai Open:  Tennis Euro Cup or European Championship:  Football Evert Cup:  Tennis F.A. Cup:  Football Federation Cup:  Tennis FIFA Cup of World Cup:  Football French Open:  Tennis German Open:  Tennis Grand National:  ...

Study notes on "VITAMINS" (Part-II) for SSC CGL Pre 2017

VITAMIN A ( Retinol ) SOURCE Dairy products, cod liver oil,liver, dark green and yellow vegetables and fruits FUNCTION Maintains eye health Promotes growth and development, maintains healthy bones and teeth Enhances the protection and regeneration of cells and mucous membrane Maintains healthy respiratory and intestinal tracts Maintain healthy hair, nails and skin SYMPTOMS OF DEFICIENCY Night blindness, dry eyes Dry skin Stomach discomfort Poor growth Weak bones and teeth SYMPTOMS OF EXCESS Dry, scaly, peeling, and itchy skin, rash Hair loss Poor appetite, fatigue Vomiting, stomach discomfort Liver injury Headache, bone pain Nervousness, irritability VITAMIN B VITAMIN   B1 (Thymine) SOURCE sprouts, yeast Desease Beri-beri VITAMIN  B2 (Ryboflabin) SOURCE sprout, present in cow's milk(yellowish) Desease Cheilosis, ulceration VITAMIN  B6 (Pyridoxine) FUNCTION It is responsible for rememeber dreams. SYMPTOMS OF DEFICIENCY Anaemia  Nervousness, in...

Study notes on "VITAMINS" (Part-I) SSC CGL Pre 2017

Dear Students, SSC CGL 2017 Pre exam in scheduled in the month of June/July 2017. At SA, We are providing to you the NOTES ON GENERAL SCIENCE, these notes will help you build your basic understanding of all topics and you'll be able to score maximum marks in SSC CGL Pre exam. Study, Revise and Learn all these notes by heart.  VITAMIN K (P hylloquinone ) SOURCE Green leafy vegetables, soya beans. The human body can also produce Vitamin K through germs in the colon(part of small intestine). FUNCTION Helps blood clotting, prevent over bleeding Maintains health of the liver SYMPTOMS OF DEFICIENCY Uncontrol bleeding from wounds due to clotting difficulty SYMPTOMS OF EXCESS Can lead to liver damage VITAMIN E ( Tocopherol )=Beauty Vitamin It is also known as Antisterility Vitamin. SOURCE Green leafy vegetables, whole-wheat cereals, nuts, sprouts, egg   yolk FUNCTION Maintains normal conditions of cells, and healthy skin and tissues Protects red blood cells Antioxidation Enhance ...

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