FRIENDS, Today i would like to tell you about various must watch places in Mussoorie : 1. Lake mist :It is 5km. before capital falls 2. Mussoorie lake :From here you can watch doon valley. 3. Bhatha lake :It is must watch place for picnic. 4. Jhaarpani falls :It is 8.5 km far away from masoori and very good place. 5. Sir george everest house :It is also very memorable place where on one side you can watch doon valley ,on other side u can watch yamuna valley and in middle the beautiful Himalaya. 6 .Naag devta temple :6 km far away from masoori. 7. Jwalaji temple :It is situated at binog mountain and 9 km in the west of massori 8. Cloud end :It is the best place for honeymoon.
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