Friends, You might know the popular program named as "Byomkesh Bakshi" starring by Rajit Kapoor as Byomkesh and K.K.Raina as Ajit and directed by Basu chatterji. The show became quite popular among the people when it was telecast On Doordarshan.The reasons why this show became popular was: 1.On that time Doordarshan was only entertainment channel. 2.Mind blowing stories. 3.Good acting by Rajit Kapoor. 4.It was quite close to reality. 5.On that time,there was less or we can say no detective programs. The episodes of the TV series which aired on DD 1 Byomkesh Bakshi Season 1 in 1993 and Season 2 in 1997, directed by Basu Chatterjee are: * Satyanveshi * Raaste ka kanta * Seemant heera * Wasiyat * Reth ka daldal * Makdi Ka Ras * Lal neelam * Bhoot * Agnivaan * Upsanhaar * Tasveer Chor * Kile ka Rahasya * Chiriyaghar A ...
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