Prostitution in Bangladesh is considered legal. Bangladesh is one of the few Islamic countries where prostitution is legal. Bangladesh is one of the most corrupt countries in the world and has consistently risen to a high position among the world's most corrupt countries. Bangladesh is the fourth largest Muslim country in the world, with 90% of the population in Bangladesh being Muslim. The three largest rivers of Asia flow through Bangladesh. Those rivers are Ganga, Meghna and Brahmaputra. Hilsha fish meat is the national dish of Bangladesh. Cox's Bazar is the longest beach in the world, covering 125 km. The Sundarbans is the largest mangrove forest in the world, and is preserved as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It covers an area of 139,500 hectares. The capital of Bangladesh is Dhaka. The city was founded in 1608 CE and has a population of 17 million. It is called the city of mosques. The Bay of Bengal, surrounded by India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Maldives, and Sri Lanka, is t...
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