Facebook has banned in China because Mark Zuckerberg, CEO, Facebook posted his picture on his Social Media while he was Jogging in soggy Beijing. I came to know about this when I was reading about the Facebook Business Model in Marketing Management: Indian Cases, a book contains case studies of various Businesses. One of his posts caused a ban on Facebook in China. This post showed China and it's Capital in a disparaging light. This portrayal would create a negative image of China and its environmental policies. Further, because it was a Western who was seen jogging in the Smog-filled environment, it created a complicit negative comparison between China's and the Western World's Living. Finally, Zuckerberg was seen as an Outsider with no moral authority to comment on another Sovereign nation. And this, China has further tightened their restrictions on internet freedom in terms of Rules and Regulations in China. Later, the CEO of Facebook proposed providing a localized versi...
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