- Don’t do drugs. I know people who have had drug addictions and it ruined their lives. I even lost my uncle to drugs.
- Don’t. Eat.Scorpions. Trust me I saw a video about it it wont work out well.
- Don’t send nudes. I did it once and i’m afraid they’re out on the dark web somewhere.
- Don’t drive drunk.
- Don’t go into gangs. It’ll ruin your life and reputation.
- Don’t cheat on your partner. It’ll mess up their mental state.
- Don’t act superior to those younger than you. Trust me. Karma will slap you in the face hard if you do.
- Never never never Never say any racial slur in public. Trust me, I did once while joking around with my friend and it really did not work out well.
- Don’t spread rumors about someone.
- Don’t assault anyone in anyway, especially children.
- Don’t expose anyone’s personal issues or bring them into an argument that is beyond hurtful.
- Don’t tell anyone’s secrets. They trust you for a reason, you know.
- Don’t poop on your neighbor’s house because you’re pissed at them, The Boomers will come at ya :’)))))
- Don’t take your parents’ car for a joyride with your friends ffs.
- Don’t judge anyone for race,sexual orientation, or religion.
- Don’t blame your mistakes on others. Own up to your actions.
- Don’t poison anyone with pills.18
- If you see someone in a happy, stable relationship don’t judge them and leave them alone.
- Never give up on your dreams.
- . Don’t eat your dog to see if he tastes like chicken.
- Don’t eat another human.
- If you laugh while drinking something, it’ll come out of ya nose.
- Say your not what I just said on #22 :’))))))
- Don’t fake mental illness for attention.
- Be yourself and stay positive :)
Author : Annie Ximena
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