1. TVF Pitchers The story of every millennial, Pitchers perfectly captured the feeling of entering the big bad world of business as a start-up. 2. Flames This adorable teenage romance between two people who meet at a tuition centre makes for perfect light viewing on a weekend indoors. 3. Kota factory This show, shot entirely in black and white, highlights the obstacles IIT-JEE aspirants often face, along with a glimpse into their daily lives. 4. College Romance Three best friends live through the best years of their lives in this show, which is obviously sprinkled with some hilarious drama. 5. ImMATURE Centred around the lives of three school kids, this show will make you nostalgic about your first crush, bunking classes and everything in between. 6. Panchayat This hilarious web series follows the story of an engineer who is forced to become the secretary of a Panchayat office in a remote village of Uttar Pradesh. 7. Sacred Games A Netflix original, this multi-starrer web series is set...
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