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CBSE released exam datesheet of 10th and 12th class

On 7 January 2015, CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) released exam date-sheets of 10th and 12th class. Exams will start from 2nd March 2015. There will be 15 minutes extra time for reading the question paper. The question paper will be given at 10:15 am and students will start writing their papers from 10:30 am. CBSE

How to get excellent marks in HINDI

Friends, Now you can get more than 90% marks in the subject HINDI   by following these steps: 1.Note down the summary of lessons and meaning of poems in your auxiliary notebook. 2.Understand the format of writing letter before practicing letter writing. 3.Read different types essays from book before practicing essay writing. 4.keep look on word limit. 5.Don't write the essay more than 200-250 words. 6.There are five questions come in the subject related to "JANSANCHAAR".So do practice on it. 7.If you have good grammer then you can get full marks. 8.Learn the writers name and meaning of poems. 9.Keep practice sample papers. GOOD LUCK

How to get good marks in BIOLOGY exam

Friends, There are the points by which you can get good marks in Biology exam : 1.Give answer of 1 mark question in 1 or 2 lines. 2.Draw diagrams positively and label them. 3.Learn the scientific names. 4.Underline the generic names and specific epithets. 5.There are 10 questions of 2 marks and 9 questions of 3 marks. 6.Answer the questions by understanding their languages. 7.Keep look on sample papers to give the answer of value based questions. 8.There are 4 sections , try to solve part-D first because it contains three questions of 5 marks. 9.Learn the definitions given in NCERT books. 10.Give answers in points/flowcharts instead of paragraph.   GIVE YOUR TIPS ALSO BELOW IF YOU HAVE

How to get good marks in POLITCAL SCIENCE

Friends, Here are the points by which you can very good marks in political science: 1.There are 10 questions of 1 mark, keep them answer in 20-25 words. 2. 2 marks question-40 words     4 marks question-100 words     6 marks question-150 words 3.Answer the 4 and 6 marks question in points because it saves time and make answer more manner full.   4.1question is based on map, so keep practice on with previous year sample papers and question papers. 5.In question paper, questions are             30% -easy             50%-average             20%-difficult  6.There are value based questions also , so keep look at sample papers. 7.Write the title of your answer and underline the main points. 8.Checkers also check your writing style too. 9. Time management                 ...

How to get good marks in chemistry

Friends, Here are some points by which you can good marks in chemistry paper in board examination: 1.Just take look at NCERT quetions once. 2.In organic chemistry, focus on name reactions,comparative tests and IUPAC . 3.In physical chemistry, focus on rules,formulas and graphs. 4.In inorganic chemistry,focus on structure,oxidation state,chemical reaction and periodic table. 5.Now value based questions are also coming ,so keep track on sample papers also. 6.Underline the main points. 7.There are 8 questions of 1 mark so keep them answer in one or two lines and do it also for 2 marks and higher marks. 8.There are 10-12 numbers numerical , so try them .write even  formula,unit.So try them in anyway. 9.Don't forget to write the units in numericals. 10.Keep try conversion in organic chemistry. 

How to spend 24 hours before exams

Friends, We know the during board exams 24 hrs before exams is very crucial for students .They live in high voltage tension.Here are the points how to live that moment 1.During this time do not take more tension or do not do more studies. 2.Only revise those material which you have studied and do not read new. 3.Always take some entertainment to get refresh for the exams.

How to answer the question to get good marks

Friends, These are the points to get good marks to answer a question in the exams 1.Always use blue pen to write the whole paper. 2.Always spare two lines after answering any question.

Common mistakes by students during board exams

FRIENDS, Today i would like to tell you about various mistakes which students do during examination 1.They generally do not bring minimum two pens and geometry box. 2.They waste their time for answering others and it is risky also. 3.They prefer cheating materials for getting good marks but it can cause serious problem too if caught by teacher .

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