Today we’ll discuss about Puzzle. This topic is can fetch you marks easily but you need to know the right concepts and types of questions to practice. In banking exams Puzzle questions can be asked in itself or Data Sufficiency. Usually 10-12 questions can be asked from this topic, thus it can fetch you easy marks with right practice. Introduction: From practical experience and the general trends, it can be asserted that the question on “puzzle” can be generally classified into the following types of problems:- 1. Simple problems of categorization 2. Arrangement problems 3. Comparison Problems 4. Blood Relations 5. Blood Relations with professions 6. Conditional selection 7. Miscellaneous problems In the puzzles, you shall be given fast-working and efficient methods for all the types of problems above. Preliminary steps 1. First of all, take a quick glance at the question. This would need not more than a couple of seconds. 2. After perfor...
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