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Google Changed its logo

Friends Google has recently launched its new logo and showing its on search box. The logo design is good but not very excellent.

Top news for Hindi Bloggers- Google Adsense is now available to earn Money

Hello Friends, A new news has come that Google Adsense totally supports hindi language means if you have a website which is written in Hindi language, google adsense advertisements will be shown :) . It is revolutionary change for all the hindi bloggers who used to create unique content but couldn't get their right value.

How website mobile friendliness will AFFECT Google search result ranking

From 21st April 2015, Google will consider mobile-friendliness as a factor for ranking the website in the Google search results. Till now it was not the matter but now Google will strictly follow this. Mobile-Friendliness will be now a ranking signal for showing the search page results. Discover Tips is mobile-friendly So if your website is not friendly with mobile devices then it will be ranked lower than the websites which are mobile-friendly. Read : Google's New Feature for mobile devices-"Mobile Friendly" So it will highly affect your website traffic and reputation.

Google Adsense Personal Identification Number (PIN) - Fully Explained

Hello Friends PIN Google Adsense Photo  Today I will tell you about a important part of Google Adsense program - Personal Identification Number (PIN). As part of Google's effort to protect the accounts of AdSense publishers, they will mail a Personal Identification Number (PIN) to the payment address entered in publisher's account. This PIN must be entered before any payments can be issued to the Payee.

Top 10 Athletes of the year 2014

Athletes are always been in most searched term of Google search and in year 2014 also, some athletes also won the heart of people all around the world . This list includes mostly Football players and formula 1 players. So today I am posting the Top searched player in year 2014 : James Rodriguez

Sunny Leone beats Narendra Modi for being most searched celebrity in India in 2014

According to Google Trends, Sunny Leone remains at the top position in "Most searched People" category in India. She just beat up Prime minister of India Mr.  Narendra Modi who is at 2nd position Sunny Leone Here is the list of Most searched people in calender year 2014 by Google :

Most Searched Actor and Actress in India in 2014

Recently Google Trends has released list of most searched things in 2014 year.  In Bollywood , among all actors and actresses, Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif have won the race for being the most searched celebrities in calender year 2014. Here is that list which was released by Google :

GOSF 2014 is from 10-12 December

Hello Friends The Great Online Shopping festival is right up for you from 10 December-12 December 2014. It is the biggest online shopping festival where online retailers offers great discounts on products for given period of time. Its a Google initiative and it was started in year 2012 for promoting online sales. GOSF-2014

How to delete Google Plus page

Hello Friends, Here is the tutorial of deleting a Google Plus (+). Its a video tutorial , so watch and learn.

Google's New Feature for mobile devices-"Mobile Friendly"

Hello Friends, Recently Google has introduced a new feature i.e. "Mobile Friendly" for mobiles where a user can know whether a website is mobile friendly or not.

Eligibility criteria for Google Adsense Program

Hello Friends, Google Adsense is one of the commonly used method to earn revenue by your website/blog. But for becoming eligible for Google adsense , there are certain criteria. What are those criteria, lets discuss. 1. Domain Name : Your domain name should be 6 months old specially for countries like India and China. It is done by Google  to ensure the quality of their advertising network and protect the interests of their advertisers and existing publishers.

How Google plus can be essential for seo

Post by AtContent Google Plus only started as just another social network but is now kind of a big shot in the social world, considering the fact that it's the only one that has such an important influence on blogs and websites search rankings.

How to Switch to Google DNS to Speed Up Web Browsing

Hello Friends, Today i am providing another impressive technique to speed up your web browsing experience.This technique is not very new but many of you will not be aware of this technique.

Flickr is removing Facebook and Google sign in

Hello Friends, In two weeks, Flickr will remove the option to sign in with a Facebook or Google account . 

Google is shutting down Orkut

A social networking website Orkut will no longer be available from 30 September 2014. Orkut will be officially shut down on September 30, 2014. Until then, you can:

Google's New terms and policies

Hi friends, Below are the new terms and policies of google launching in November 2013. According to Google: We are updating the Google Terms of Service. The new Terms will go live on November 11, 2013 and you can read them here . Because many of you are allergic to legalese, here’s a plain English summary for your convenience. We’ve made three changes:   * First, clarifying how your Profile name and photo might appear in Google products (including in reviews, advertising and other commercial contexts).   * You can control whether your image and name appear in ads via the Shared Endorsements setting .   * Second, a reminder to use your mobile devices safely.   * Third, details on the importance of keeping your password confidential. Here are some more details:How your Profile name and photo may appear (including in reviews and advertising) We want to give you – and your friends and connections – the most useful information. Reco...

Why Facebook is winning the race against google in advertising

Hi friends, This is very competitive view between two big companies Google & facebook .Both does the different functions,one is the most promising and popular search engine which is expending its business in many areas,other one is the most popular social networking site. So why i just comparing these two big names ? THE ANSWER IS ADVERTISING. The Google versus Facebook advertising war is far from nearing the finish line, but the playing field has been significantly leveled in recent weeks. Facebook has grown mobile advertising over 76% in the last quarter, bringing in over $656 million. Google, on the other hand, had second-quarter results that fell shy of expectations, and they're watching their advertisement prices weaken each quarter. Why Facebook is Gaining Ground ? All the big guns have found adapting to a mobile world more than a little challenging, but Facebook has finally gained some ground, and that has made all the difference. New mobile forma...

Gmail is not safe - google said

Friends, Today i have seen a report on News channel "Zee News" that gmail provided by Google is no longer safe. If you are sending an e-mail then google doesn't guarranty of your privacy.When you send your message to anyone via e-mail then it is read first by Google then it goes to the recepient.It totally attacks the privacy of the user and google totally admits that reading of the user's message is done by them from many years. Friends, this is the very critical issue with the privacy of the gmail user as our message can be of any type (personal,business related,bank,college related etc).As a user of gmail,i would like to do request to Google that please do not playwith the privacy of the user and do some immediate work.Because the google which always tries to create very hard rules for users is also doing serious crime.

A big thanx-Google + comments on blogger

Friends, Today i will tell you about a new feature introduced for all the bloggers i.e., google plus comments on blogger website. By this feature all the google+ users from every field can review the website and can comment also for further improvement of blog as in the form of feedback.

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