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:Study Notes On Adjectives

ADJECTIVE ☞ Rule-1 Adjective of quantity like much, LITTLE, ENOUGH, SUFFICIENT, WHOLE, etc. must be used with uncountable nouns only as they express quantity and not number.  Ex.-Many (not much) boys are absent from the class today.  Many (not much) boys failed in the examination.  ☞ Rule-2 The use of ‘few’, ‘a few’ and ‘the few’ should be used with care they denote number. Few means ‘NOT MANY’. Few has negative meaning  A few means ‘SOME AT LEAST’  The few means ‘WHATEVER THERE IS’. Ex. I read few books. I Read a few books. I Read the few books I had. A few men are true from fault. (Incorrect) Few men are true from fault. (Correct) ☞ Rule-3 Use of little, a little, the little  Little means ‘hardly any’ in quantity.  Ex.-He had little money There is little water in the bottle  There is a little hope of his recovery (Inco...

SSC/BANKING: Sentence Correction-Tricks and Practice Questions

Hello, Greetings!!  As you all know, SSC Mains/IBPS/RRBs exams are Coming up and English Section plays a very important role in your overall selection. So, we've decided to help you with all the tricky and advance scenarios in English Grammar. We'll keep you informed about such Complex Sentence Structures. There are six basic kinds of errors in the grammar of a sentence.  Error type-1  Subject -verb agreement  Error type -2. Errors of modifiers  Modifiers are words / group of words / phrases in one part of sentence , which modify another part of the sentence.  In correct written English ,the modifier has to be kept as close as possible to the word or clause it modifies.  Ex- bruised and battered, Ravi gave his Car to the mechanic.  Bruised and battered , the car was given to the mechanic by Ravi.  Errors type -3 errors in the usage of Pronouns .  The pronouns used in a sentence should agree with their antecedents.  Error ...

Important TRICKS: Jumbled Paragraph(Sentence Rearrangement)

By Bankersadda Hello, Greeting!! You all are preparing for govt. competitive exams (SSC, BANKING etc.) and We've realized that most of the students are not comfortable in English Section, especially when it comes to Jumbled Paragraph. All of you dread this section but worry No more. Today, we present to you "One-stop Solution to all your confusions". Today in this post we'll introduce and demystify JUMBLED PARAGRAPHS. We suggest you to read and note down all the points.  Whenever You solve such Questions apply the following tricks. we've compiled all the tricks and rules in the best possible way so that you can master Sentence Arrangements (jumbled paragraph) with little effort. Learn, Memorize and Practice. What are Para jumbles? Para jumbles are jumbled paragraphs. Basically, you are given a paragraph - but the sentences are not in the right order. It's up to you to untie this knot and rearrange the sentences so that they logically make sense. The app...

SSC CGL Exam: How to crack English Section

By BankersAdda Today, this post is aimed at all the students/professionals, who are not comfortable using the English language.  Whether it is  Speaking/writing/reading or Listening.  Today, the English language has become an indispensable part of all the competitive exams. If you want to have a successful career or profession, You’ve to master English language, otherwise, you’ll be left way behind in this competitive world.You’ll witness other aspirants getting succeeded in their respective exams/careers and you’ll end up Nowhere even after working so hard and investing so many important years of your life. But Guys, everything is not lost, you still have the power to change the course of your destiny. At SSC ADDA, we’ll guide you and will work and stay with you in your quest of getting a reputed Govt. job. The answer to all your problems/failures lies in a newspaper. For an SSC/Banking Aspirant, A newspaper is a complete package.  If you read/follo...

Some important English Words

1. Call in : किसी को बुलवाना 2. Call off : समाप्त करना, वापस लेना 3. Call up : याद करना, टेलीफोन करना 4. Call for : माँग करना, आवशयकता होना 5. Call on : थोड़ी देर के लिए जाना या रुकना 6. Call out : बुलाना 7. Call at : किसी के घर या स्थान आदि पर थोड़ी देर के लिए जाना 8. Call back : वापस बुलाना

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