After watching a wonderful movie Ted , I had a curiosity to watch Ted 2 movie because the fun and entertainment provided by Ted was not enough for me and also the second part is available now, so why should i not try this ? So this movie is not only a fun movie but it is bringing a problem of Ted who is a living teddy bear. Movie starts with John and Ted, Ted is married to Tammy lynn but John is separated from Lori [ Break up : means no Mila Kunis in this movie :( ] Ted with his wife Tammy lynn After marriage, some problems came in Ted and tammy's life and then one lady suggested Ted to have a baby in their lives to sustain their marriage. Ted told this thing to tammy and she felt very happy to hear Ted's idea to have a baby. For this Ted needs a sperm donor for insemination [as Ted is teddy bear, so he doesn't have a d**k] to have baby. During this situation ,some funny scenes will be shown. After all trouble, John agrees for sperm donation and went to hospital for doing...
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