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भारत अकड सरकार आपकी सेवा मे हमेशा Ready

नमस्कार दोस्तो !! आज की Hindi Post उन आलसियो के लिए है जो नरेंद्र मोदी के "अच्छे दिनो के भागीदार होने का दावा करते है. जी हाँ आप सही सोच रहे है, आज मै बात कर रहा हू ,आपके अपने सरकारी मुलाजिमो की जो उम्र बढ़ने के साथ-साथ और अकड़ते जा रहे है, पर हैरानी कि बात ये है यह अकड़ पूरे साल भर रह्ती है, सर्दी हो या गर्मी , बारीश हो या धूप, हर समय आप इसका आनन्द ले सकते है. ये अकड़ हमे हर जगह मिल जायेगी, चाहे सरकारी Banks हो, स्कूल या कोलेज हो, सरकारी दफ्तर हो,पोलीस Station हो या कोई और सरकारी दफ्तर.

Why Indian Government is not caring of Biotechnology Sector as compare of other Engineering Stream

Friends, As a Student of Biotechnology,i would like to express my view about the worse condition of Biotechnology in India.I am doing my in Biotechnology in one of the prestigious college of India i.e., DELHI TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY , but even after i feel worry about my future because whenever i search on Google " Biotechnology in India",everyone flatly says- It has no scope in India. But I just want to ask why it has no scope in India as it has very much demand in the developed countries like USA,CHINA,GERMANY,CANADA and other Gulf countries etc. The main reason is that of very less scope in India since Govt. is not putting up money in this sector for research and development. If you are extremely good and extraordinary then you may have a chance.That is why people join MBA after doing Biotechnology in India which has very less connection in terms of studies. Note : There is no PSU for biotech graduates to join after graduation :(  I j...

How to get voter id card in india

Hello Friends, Today internet has become the essential part of  our lives that nobody wants to get offline BUT voter id card is that kind of thing that everybody wants it hand to hand and in less time.Offline procedure is long but online procedure is just few steps away from  you: STEPS: 1.Go to government official website :

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