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#AIBKnockout - Shit show with shit mentality

Just a MESSAGE- Yesterday I saw #AIBknockout trending on micro-blogging website twitter. I was aware that #AIB is All India Backchod channel but what the hell is this #Knockout means ??? So I checked up in the twitter and found a video of about 55 minutes and what I saw in that video : Abusive language. Celebrities like Karan Johar, Ranveer Singh, Arjun Kapoor using cheap and abusive words. A bunch of celebrities like Deepika Padukone, Sonakshi Sinha, Alia Bhatt, Anurag Kashyap, Sanjay Kapoor etc. are laughing on abusive jokes and language. Perverts acting like a big star or celebrity: Some of idiots of All India Bakchod channel are introducing them like what a big thing they were doing that day. Totally idiot and opposite to the ancient culture of India. You people- If you get a media like Youtube to use some abusive language like- mad****, b*** and whatever it is. PLEASE USE IT IN YOUR HOME :/ You always show middle finger to the people who hates your videos but...

How to download movies,games,software from torrent website

Hello Friends, Most of you are aware about torrent and its value. But actually not!!!! I have seen many people don't know about the torrent and if they know then they don't know its function.They pretend "torrent" as very complex term and don't want to know about it.

What to do if your mobile is stolen or lost ?

Hello Friends, There are certain situations where we lose our mobile phones whether it is happened by mistake or any thief took it away from you. He gave a big tension to you, but now its your time to give him some tension. You all are thinking that i am gonna suggest you for police inquiry and all, but thats other part because if i say it you or not, you will definitely go to police first for investigation (unless you are not Bill gates). Till Police will do its job ,then you can assure that your mobile phone will not be usable without you. But HOW TO DO THAT : There are certain steps by which you can block your sim supporting system of your stolen or lost phone : Dial *#06# from your mobile. (Its not applicable if your phone is stolen but you can save your other phones by dialing it) After dialing this number, a 15 digits number will come as IMEI. Note down this IMEI number to your records where you can remember it easily.  The IMEI number...


Hello Friends, Here is the pic of Fifa world Cup 2014 Schedule :

Central Park

843-acre masterpiece of a landscape architecture designed in the 19th century. One of Americas greatest works of art and first public park, Central Park has become the most famous urban park in the world. Having gone to Central Park before I was used...

Google's new payment policies for Google Adsense account

Hello Friends, There are some changes in the payments policy of Google Adsense account. The changes are not too big but applied for getting a better Payment experience. When i was upgraded to their new policies then they say me some quote of lines. According to Google : " We’ve made some changes to improve our payments system, and your account has been included to benefit from these changes. Here's a summary of the required actions, changes and added benefits of the new payments processes: What's new? Redesigned "Payments" and "Payment settings" pages: “Payment summary” is now called “Transaction history". “Payment method” is now called “Form of payment”. “Unpaid finalized earnings” is now called “Current balance”. Redesigned transaction history table shows you the latest activities at the top. New toolbar support allows you to filter, print, export or download transaction information. Mo...

Why Family is the biggest happiness in the world

Hello friends, We live in 21st century where competition has reached at that level where nobody cares for you. The other people will look like that they are helping ,but eventually you notice that they are just doing time pass with you and want to spend their leisure time with you. At that time when you reached your home after facing your on or off day outside, you came to realize that your family specially your parents are the one who really care for your till their lives. Friends, happiness is not always present outside because it can be unfaithful  and you can't read the mind of others, what are they thinking about you or they take your voice seriously or not.Sometimes you came to realize that other buddy is making fun of your voice or using your secret for his work. So before telling everything about any sort of thing to your close friend/any other, you can consult it with your any close family member or parents because they are the one who will really take pa...

Google's driverless car- A new exciting technology to get rid of human employment

Hello friends American multinational company Google has worked on autonomous car which can be drive without any driver. Now the discovery of Google is getting success as according to Reuters India - One of the driver less car has been tested in the streets of Mountain View, California, a small suburban community where the company maintains its headquarters roughly 35 miles South of San Francisco. Google's driver less cars rely on video cameras, radar sensors, lasers and a database of information collected from manually driven cars to help navigation, according to the company. Google's robotic cars have about $150,000 in equipment including a $70,000 LIDAR (laser radar) system.The range finder mounted on the top is a Velodyne 64-beam laser. This laser allows the vehicle to generate a detailed 3D map of its environment. The car then takes these generated maps and combines them with high-resolution maps of the world, producing different types of data models ...


Mobile commerce has grown with exceptional demand in last few months; the year 2013 has shown a fast and rapid acceleration towards the trend of "Online Shopping". According to Nielsen Global Online survey, about 85 % of the internet users are moving...

How to add Twitter flying bird with your user name in your site

Hello Friends, Today i wanna tell you about how to add twitter flying bird with your desired username on your website. This is not very tough,you have to just copy and paste below code to your website.     Code: <script type="text/javascript" src=""> </script> <script type="text/javascript"> var twitterAccount = "your user name"; var tweetThisText = " <data:blog.pageTitle/> : <data:blog.url/> "; tripleflapInit(); </script> <span style="font-size:11px;position:absolute;"><a title='Blogger Widget by Way2blogging.Org' href="" target='_blank'>Blogger Widgets</a></span> Replace your user name by your desired user name. Thats all. It makes your website so running and attractive. Happy blogging. ...

ICC World T20 Fantasy Cricket 2014 GAME

The ICC World T20 Fantasy Cricket 2014 game   is now open for entry -  Register your team today! Select your team for the ICC World Twenty20 and give yourself the chance to win some fantastic prizes. If you're new to international cricket management, check out our how to play pages and learn the ropes, from team selection to maintaining a winning formula with team changes. Scoring starts with the first preliminary group game at 09.30 GMT on Sunday, 16 March when hosts Bangladesh take on Afghanistan. Choose your winning XI from our extensive player list, filled with the world's brightest stars, and set your sights on maximum points! Bring your mates together in your very own Private League and earn your bragging rights as you prove your international cricket credentials. Use our free Challenge service to send your invites and inspire your friends.  Game Guide - How to Play : Below is a brief guide to playing the ICC World T20 Fantasy Cr...

Why idea of website is important for non-cs (computer science) people

Hello Friends, Today i want to discuss about above topic "Why idea of website is important for non-cs people" As we all know,sometimes we have big ideas but don't have any source to take that  idea to large audience.In that case we think about a website, where we can show our service to whole world all the time. But there is also a critical situation for all the people who don't know about anything about website designing languages HTML,CSS,JQUERY,PYTHON etc.They always underestimate themselves for not knowing such languages and think they can never develop online business. But for those people, i just want to suggest that if you have a good idea,planning and team (optional) then you can hire a professional or website developer who will develop your site and after creation, he/she will just give all guide to create a successful website and rest of site business is yours. So there is no need to learn all these scripting languages , so just ...

Why comedy nights with kapil is the best comedy talk show ?

Hello friends, If you are an Indian or know Hindi language,then you know what is "Comedy nights with kapil" and why it is famous in all around the world. For detailed info you can check here . As we all know how this show got a tremendous opening in terms of TRP in its opening year and now everyone in India just a true fan of Kapil sharma .We all know kapil sharma in his previous shows like comedy circus,laughter challenge etc. but after CNWK, kapil got stardom within some months and now he is getting offers as an actor in bollywood movies. These kinds of various offers are part of every successful person but we have to think that why his show "Comedy nights with kapil" got big sucess as compared to other shows or his previous comedy shows. In my opinion,there are several reasons behind it : 1. No Judgement,Only kapil : This is the solid reason of success of this show as we all know Kapil is the master of comedy and when he does it for a...

How to embed Tweets in the blogger website

Hello friends Today i will tell you how to embed twitter tweets in your website. As i am using blogger so i will tell you how to do it in blogger but you can also do it for other services also.   Steps : 1.First Go to twitter and select a tweet you want to embed in your website. 2.Then there will be a option of "more" in each tweet.Click that more option,then there will be option of embed tweet. 3.Click on embed tweet and copy the code. 4.Then sign in into your Blogger dashboard and create a new post and under HTML coding ,paste this code and click on the compose. 5.After that click on Preview button to check how your embed tweet look like. I think it will work :) Thank you

How to get live feed traffic widget for your website for blogger,wordpress and others

Hello friends, If we have a website/blog then we have a curiosity to show others that these are my visitors and how much traffic i got in daily basis. We can see stats of our website easily under our log in page but how to show others. Today i am talking a way by which you can easily trace your visitors location using a website named as FEEDJIIT. As you can see in my blog the traffic widget of Feedjiit like this. But the question arises how to add it, now i will show each step by image by which you can easily understand. Steps : 1. Go to      2. Then type Feedjiit and go to site. 3.At the site you can select your resolution and no of visitors you want to show under this and after that click GO 4.After that you can install your widget for blogger/wordpress or copy the below code under your website layout page. 5.Then click on "Add widget" Thank you ...

Some important facts about India

Hello friends, Some facts you may not be knowing about INDIANS  1. 38% of doctors in America are INDIANS. 2. 12% of the scientist in America are INDIANS. 3. 28% of the IBM employees in the world are INDIANS. 4. 36% of the NASA employees are INDIANS. 5. 17% of the INTEL employees in the world are INDIANS. 6. 34% of the MICROSOFT employees are INDIANS. 7. Sanskrit is the mother language of all the European languages. WHICH MEANS SWEDISH TOO. 8. SANSKRIT is the most suitable language for computer software reported in Forbes magazine, 1987. 9. CHESS was invented in INDIA. 10. Creator and founder of HOTMAIL are INDIAN (SABEER BHATIA). 11. Aryabhatta who was from INDIA, invented the number ZERO. 12. INDIANS invented the NUMBER SYSTEM. 13. ALGEBRA was invented in INDIA. 14. CALCULAS and TRIGNOMETRY came from INDIA. 15. The general manager of HEWLETT PACKARD (HP) is INDIAN (RAJIV GUPTA). 16. Creator of the PENTIUM CHIP(90% of the today's Computer ...

Why some indians don't want to grow up ?

Hello Friends, Recently a news has come from West Bengal, India that a 20 years old girl was gang raped by Panchayat orders.The girl got this punishment because she loved a boy of different community. And you will be shocked to hear that some of senior members of girl's community ordered 12-13 men to rape that girl whole night, that is totally disgusting work by these half minded old people.Parents of that girl filed FIR against those men and lover of that girl,according to police. But my focus is on this that-"Why all this shit can happen in 21st century or how it can be possible ?" Recently i have read many orders by these khaap panchayats in newspaper where they ordered rape victim girl to marry accused etc. But i just want to ask those people :  1. If you can't do anything for girl's protection,then who give you the right to hand over the protection of a victim girl to same man who has already sexually abused her. 2.If a man ...

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