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Booklist for UPSC by Shubham Kumar & other toppers

What is National Monetization Pipeline Scheme

Recently Finance Minister of India Mrs. Nirmala Sitharaman launches a new Scheme " National Monetization Pipeline" . What is this scheme ? How it will benefit India ? Let's Read with a view of  , they elaborated it very well. """In the 2021-22 budget speech, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has said that monetising operating public infrastructure assets were an important financing option for infrastructure construction. Currently, the government is finalising Rs 6 lakh crore worth of infrastructure assets, which may include national highways and power grid pipelines. To help bolster the government’s finances, India has been planning to raise Rs 6 trillion from selling state-owned infrastructure assets over the next four years. The plan will include the sale of road and railway projects, airports, gas pipelines etc. All of these planned sales are in line with Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s strategic divestment policy. The govern...

Concise Book List by Dilkhush Meena IAS

Mission KarmYogi Official Government Targets


The Historical Background Indianisation of the superior civil services became one of the major demands of the political movement, compelling the British Indian government to consider the setting up of a Public Service Commission for recruitment of candidates to its services in the Union territory. The first Public Service Commission was set up on 1 October 1926. However, its limited advisory functions failed to satisfy the people’s aspirations and the continued stress on this aspect by the leaders of our freedom movement resulted in the setting up of the Federal Public Service Commission under the Government of India Act, 1935. Under this Act, for the first time, provision was also made for the formation of Public Service Commissions at the provincial level. The Constituent Assembly, after independence, saw the need for giving a secure and autonomous status to Public Service Commissions, both at the Federal and Provincial levels, for ensuring unbiased recruitment to civil servic...

Important Years in Indian History

►1904 ~ भारतीय विश्वविद्यालय अधिनियम पारित ►1905 ~ बंगाल का विभाजन ►1906 ~ मुस्लिम लीग की स्थापना ►1907 ~ सूरत अधिवेशन, कांग्रेस में फूट ►1909 ~ मार्ले-मिंटो सुधार ►1911 ~ ब्रिटिश सम्राट का दिल्ली दरबार ►1916 ~ होमरूल लीग का निर्माण ►1916 ~ मुस्लिम लीग-कांग्रेस समझौता (लखनऊ पैक्ट) ►1917 ~ महात्मा गाँधी द्वारा चंपारण में आंदोलन ►1919 ~ रौलेट अधिनियम

Top Recommended books for Quantitative aptitude and reasoning for placements and competitive exams

Hello Friends, Today  i am providing you a list of best books for your preparation for placements and competitive exams like CAT,XAT,MAT,UPSC,Civil Services,IBPS,PO etc. Below given serial is not the rating of books but just a normal sequence of books (all books are equally good and best for your preparation).

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