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Top 10 Dialogues of teachers

If you are not interested then you may leave the class.  . This class is worse than a fish market. Are you here to waste your parents money?  . Tell me when you all have finished talking.

Major Thermal Power Plants (TPP) in India

1. Mundra (TPP)-(Kutch,Gujarat) 2. Vindhyachal Super Thermal Power Station-(Singrauli, Madhya Pradesh) 3. Tirora (TPP)-(Gondia ,Maharashtra) 4. Amravati (TPP)-(Amravati , Maharashtra) 5. Korba Super Thermal Power Plant- (Korba ,Chhattisgarh) 6. Sant Singaji (TPP)- (East Nimar ,Madhya Pradesh) 7. Chandrapur Super (TPP)-(Chandrapur ,Maharashtra) 8. Sipat Thermal Power Plant-(Bilaspur , Chattisgarh) 9. Khaperkheda Thermal Power Station-(Nagpur , Maharashtra) 10. Satpura Thermal Power Station -(Betul ,Madhya Pradesh)

MS Word shortcuts list

Friends Today, in various competitive examinations, there are some questions asked about shortcuts used in Microsoft Word. Today I am posting the list of these shortcuts used: #MSWords Shortcuts: 1) CTRL + A = Select text

Nasa Team reaches to Pluto

On 14th July 2015, NASA team reaches to the smallest planet Pluto. Its a big day for all the aeronautical enthusiasts as it can lead to new research and discovery in future time. New Horizon measurements reveal Pluto is roughly two-thirds the size of the moon, and probably holds more ice beneath its surface than previously thought. Source: Nasa Source :Nasa A  Nasa spacecraft  that hurtles past Pluto on Tuesday at more than 45,000 kilometres per hour has revealed the dwarf planet to be larger than scientists thought.

CBSE released exam datesheet of 10th and 12th class

On 7 January 2015, CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) released exam date-sheets of 10th and 12th class. Exams will start from 2nd March 2015. There will be 15 minutes extra time for reading the question paper. The question paper will be given at 10:15 am and students will start writing their papers from 10:30 am. CBSE

Teachers of Today

Hello Friends, Today i want to talk about the condition of teachers in India and all over of the world.Teaching is one of the nobel and great task in our society.Everyone praises the great minds and their inventions but no body talks about their teachers who learn them a lot of things in their lives. I am not taking favor of all the teachers

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