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फिट रहने के क्या तरीक़े हैं?

स्वस्थ रहने के लिए संतुलित खान - पान और नियमित दिनचर्या का पालन करना बहुत जरूरी है | खान - पान और दिनचर्या का स्वास्थ्य से सीधा सम्बन्ध है | आज हम कुछ सामान्य सी छोटी - छोटी ऐसी बातों को जानेंगे, जिनका पालन करके हमेशा स्वस्थ रह सकते हैं | ➤ प्रातःकाल सूर्योदय से पहले हर हाल में उठ जाएँ | देर तक सोना सेहत के लिए ठीक नहीं है | ➤ सुबह उठते ही बासी मुँह आधा से एक लीटर गुनगुना पानी पिएँ | उसके बाद शौंच के लिए जाएँ | ➤ आधे से एक घंटे प्रतिदिन सुबह - शाम टहलने की आदत डालें | नियमित रूप से आधे से एक घंटे योग, प्राणायाम और व्यायाम करें | ➤ रात का खाना सोने से डेढ़ - दो घंटे पहले अवश्य खा लें और खाने के बाद कुछ देर धीरे - धीरे चहलकदमी करें | ➤ भोजन में मौसम के ताजे फल और हरी सब्जियों को अवश्य शामिल करें | भरपूर मात्रा में सलाद का सेवन करें | सलाद स्वच्छ और ताजी कटी हुई हो | ➤ खाना खाने के बाद थोड़ा सा गुड़ खाएँ | ➤ बिना छाने हुए चोकरयुक्त आटे की रोटी खाएँ | चोकर में फाइबर अधिक होता है | ➤ हमेशा अपनी भूख से दो निवाले कम खाएँ और हो सके तो सप्ताह में एक दिन उपवास रखें | ➤ भोजन ताजा, हल्का और सुपाच्य ...

Why Roll over of unused data is required by Mobile Operators

In a very fast paced life, a busy person who works usually in whole week and get some free time in weekends, usage of mobile data is very much concerned topic. Generally people do not get time to use mobile data in week days and that data get wasted but when more data is required on weekend then we used to remember about that unused data. So this post is to create awareness among people to request mobile operators to start roll over of unused data to the next day so that consumption of whole data is achieved within the Recharge plan. I request all viewers and readers of this website to kindly share this message to all mobile operators in the world. So Kindly share this and change the scenario

History of Stock Market Correction till Year 2020

Source : @ipo_mantra

लड़कियों के बारे में कौनसी गलतफहमियां लड़कों के मन में हमेशा रहती है?

1- लड़की का फ्रेंडरिक्वेस्ट मिलने पर लगता है मुझमें कुछ खास है या लड़की मुझे पसंद करती है बाद में पता चलता है कि मेरे जैसे 3000+ उसके फ्रेंड लिस्ट में हैं। 2- लड़के भावनाओं में बहकर लड़कियों से अपने दिल की बात कर देते हैं, कई गहरे राज भी बता देते हैं लेकिन वही लड़की बाद में इन्हीं सब बातों को दूसरों से बता कर मजे लेती है। लड़कों को लगता है लड़की मेरी हमराज बनी रहेगी। 3- लड़कों को लगता है मैकडॉनल्ड का हैमबर्गर, चीज बर्गर , केएफसी का फ्राइड चिकन या स्टारबक्स का डबल शॉट आन आइस, कोल्ड ब्रू कॉफी पिला कर लड़की हमेशा के लिए उनकी हो जाएगी तो यह भी गलतफहमी है। 4- लड़के मोबाइल फोन गिफ्ट देकर सोचते हैं कि लड़की सिर्फ मुझसे बात करती है तो बेचारे मासूम हैं । लड़की अपने फ्रेंड के ब्वायफ्रेंड की फोटो देख कर‌ भी आहें भरा करती है। 5- लड़कों को लगता है कि लड़कियों को भी लड़कों की जरूरत रहती है तो यह भी गलतफहमी है अगर लड़की सेल्फ डिपेंड है तो उसे किसी प्यार इश्क की जरूरत नहीं महसूस होती। 6- लड़की अगर स्माइल दे रही है तो लड़के को लगता है मैं बहुत हैंडसम लग रहा हूं जबकि वह आपको जोकर समझ कर हंस रही है। 7- स...

Shocking | Film Actor Dharmendra Deleted tweet about Bribe

Today Actor Dharmendra tweeted a post about bribe with giving reference to his movie Satyakam (1969). But within 2 minutes he deleted that tweet. Why did he deleted the tweet is still unknown.

Why is an unconventional approach good for investing

It depends how you define unconventional. I would make a distinction between actions and words. The following things are considered conventional, or at least somewhat mainstream, advice Be diversified Never time the markets Don’t panic during crashes Don’t get too excited in the good times Don’t stock pick or speculate with 90%-100% of your portfolio. Don’t try to watch the news and think you can see trends. Watch your spending habits so you can invest more in the first place Don’t trade too often. Rebalance at most. Not letting our emotions get the better of us. Often we are subconsciously emotional as well. For example, studies have shown we are more likely to buy Amazon shares if we live near the warehouse, as the familiarity makes us feel more comfortable. Yet we don’t actively think we are buying Amazon stocks due to that emotion. Not thinking this time is different every time there is an event like 9/11, covid or 2008. People get drawn into stories too easily. These might be conv...

What are some psychological things that people don’t know about attraction?

What we find and not find attractive is basically biologically wired into us. Even babies gaze longer at more attractive faces. Most people find symmetry and other hallmarks of good health attractive. More typical or average features are considered more attractive. Feminine features (full lips, round cheeks) make women more attractive. And masculine (square jaw, deep set eyes) make men more attractive. Younger looking faces (clear skin, bright eyes) are perceived as more attractive. Men especially consider younger and more typical features particularly attractive. Women place more importance on looking more feminine. Women care less about men’s physical appearance. Women who consider themselves physically attractive, are more likely to choose men with strong masculine features. Women consider men with hairless chests and flat bellies more attractive. Men like full lips, high forehead, broad face, small chin, small nose, short and narrow jaw, high cheekbones, clear and smooth skin, and ...

Life Lesson 7 | Killing Quote 5

Source : @Fundamental_Blasters 

Killing Quote 4

Source : @a_vdox

What are some weird facts about TMKOC?

1- Disha Vakani and Mayur Vakani, who play reel life siblings, are brother and sister in reality 2- Shyam Pathak, who essays the role of Popatlal, a man tagged with the label of bachelor forever, is married in real and have 3 children. 3- Dilip Joshi, who plays the role of Jethalal, is older in age than his on-screen father(bapuji) Amit Bhatt 4- Atmaram Tukaram Bhide(Mandar Chandwadkar) who plays the role of Bhidhe Master is a mechanical engineer in real life. He worked as an engineer in Dubai for 3 years. This skillful person is also a blogger. 5- Sonalika Joshi who plays the role of an ideal house-wife by being Madhavi Bhide in the show has educational qualification in the field of history and fashion designing in real life. This papad selling woman is younger than Aatmaram Bhide in real life. 6- Dilip Joshi started acting in child-plays at the age of 12. His first childplay was “Aie Ranchhod Rangila”. He was supposed to act as a statute for 7-8 minutes in that drama 7- Two important...

What are some lesser known facts about the Indian actress Zareen Khan?

Zareen was born into a conservative Muslim family with ancestral roots in Afghanistan. She was a bright student and always used to score above 90%. During her school days, she was obese and weighed around 100 kg. Though she never thought of becoming an actress, she started working on her weight loss, and gradually she lost around 40 kg of weight. She initially wanted to become a doctor, but due to poor financial conditions, she wasn’t able to study further. Zarine Khan was noticed by Salman Khan on her visit on the set of the film ‘Yuvraaj’ (2008) at Subhash Ghai‘s film school Whistling Woods. For her Princess Yashodhara’s role in ‘Veer’ (2010), she gained around 8 kg of weight. In 2015, she won the Best Female Debut Award at the PTC Punjabi Film Awards for the Punjabi film ‘Jatt James Bond’ (2014). She is good at speaking Hindi, Urdu, English, Marathi, and Pashto. In 2017, a weight loss pill company offered her ₹1 crore, but she declined the offer, saying that, “I cannot endorse somet...

Troll Pic 11

शेयर बाजार में सफल होने के लिए मूल मंत्र क्या है?

यहाँ मैं विश्व प्रसिद्ध निवेशक जैसे वारेन बफेट, राकेश झुनझुनवाला आदि का सफलता मंत्र लिख रहा हूँ। 1. कंपाउंडिंग की शक्ति वारेन बफेट, चार्ली मुंगेर, राकेश झुनझुनवाला आदि जैसे निवेशक हमेशा दीर्घकालिक मूल्य निवेश में विश्वास करते हैं क्योंकि वे कंपाउंडिंग की शक्ति को समझते हैं। एक दीर्घकालिक समयावधि में इक्विटी ने हमेशा व्यापक परिसंपत्ति वर्ग से बेहतर प्रदर्शन किया है। जैसा कि वॉरेन बफे कहते हैं- हमारी पसंदीदा होल्डिंग पीरियड हमेशा के लिए है। लंबी अवधि के निवेश के लिए कंपाउंडिंग का लाभ बहुत अच्छी तरह से काम करता है। यह कहें कि यदि कोई व्यक्ति 20% p.a की वार्षिक दर पर Rs. 1 lac का निवेश करता है। 15 वर्षों में Rs. 15.41, 20 वर्षों में Rs. 38.34 और 25 वर्षों में Rs. 95.40 होगा। हम स्पष्ट रूप से देख सकते हैं कि जितने अधिक वर्षों की संख्या है, उतना ही बेहतर परिसर से परिणाम है। यदि आप 10 वर्षों के लिए किसी शेयर के मालिक के बारे में नहीं सोच रहे हैं, तो इसे 10 मिनट के लिए रखने के बारे में भी न सोचें - वार्निश बफेट। 2. सुरक्षा का एक मार्जिन होना चाहिए आप जो भी खरीदते हैं उसमें हमेशा सुरक्षा का एक ...

What are some cool psychological hacks?

1. If someone is angry with you and you keep calm, they may be more angry. But then they'll be ashamed of themselves. 2. If someone keeps talking and you can't get in the conversation, you drop something on the ground (key, pen, etc.), you bend down to pick it up and start talking. In this way, you can interrupt the other party without being noticed. 3. If someone is bothering you at your desk all the time, keep talking to him, but get up and walk back to his desk together. There was a boss who was very good at this before. He would take you back to your desk, and then you wonder how I came back. 4. When a group of people laugh, everyone will look at their favorite person. 5. Before the interview, arrive at the interview place in advance and chat with strangers for 20 minutes. This will make your brain feel familiar with the environment, which will make you more confident. 6. If you suddenly think of the ugliness that happened n years ago and feel very shameful, stop and ...

What changes must happen in our social thinking?

1. If a man is asking for condoms in the medical store then don't stare at him in the way like he is going to kill you. 🙄 2.If a girl is asking for pads in the medical store then don't pass a weird smile , she is not asking for your phone number. 3. If a person lives in other town alone leaving her husband / his wife alone in the hometown , then it doesn't mean that they are having an extramarital affair . 4.Some people used to state that a person who belongs to lower caste is a criminal anyhow. What is the logic? What will you say about Vikas dubey? 🤔 5.If you are not able to do your work properly, then don't blame the person whom you met yesterday by saying, “ Apshagun ”. 6. If a girl and boy are talking to each other, it doesn't mean that they are in relationship . 7. Wearing a short dress doesn't make her shameless. Source : Isha Singh

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