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What are some psychology hacks for self-improvement?

Life isn’t difficult. Getting along with people, isn’t difficult either, Encourage the other person to talk about themselves, Keep it simple & you’ll make her happy, The less you care , the happier you’ll be, Trying & failing puts you in the top 10% . Most people don’t even try , Competition exists. It’s always you versus you , Invest into fitness, Your actions should be dictated by your goals, Be calculating even when procrastinating, The one big thing that impacts your life is your Network. The more people you know, the more opportunities you’ll attract, Just Chill.!! Source: Mukul Royy

How you will increase your value?

Free your mind, go outside, have fun , Protect your private life , Changing your mind doesn’t mean you contradict yourself. It means you updated your worldview & got smarter, as you should, You just think coz you care . Probably you’ve a heart bigger than most people but there’s such a thing as caring too much ! Learn life, Write down your worries, so you don’t have to keep them all in your head, Don’t ask your woman for permission to be a man, Other people’s perception of you is not your responsibility. However, your actions & growth are . How you treat yourself & others ultimately defines the life you live, Communicating is one thing but your tone while communicating is everything, Work on a bankable skill , If you don’t have a plan , you’re a part of someone else’s plan, Just Chill.!! Source: Mukul Royy

What are some hacks that everyone should know?

Dress well, always. A lot depends on how you look! Pinch yourself if you can't stop laughing. At every job, you should either earn or learn. Either is fine. Both are best. But if it’s neither, quit. To exercise should be done daily, whatever the time. It doesn't matter if it is 5 minutes or 50 minutes. To keep bananas fresh for a longer time, wrap the top part of the bunch in plastic wrap. Research shows that the right ear is better at picking up words & speech, while the left ear is better at picking up music & other sounds. Adding a teaspoon of baking soda when you boil eggs and the shell will come off easily. If you place dry tea bags in smelly shoes and leave them for a few hours, the bad smell will go away. If you want to make sure the person you talk to is paying attention to you, start the conversation with “I shouldn’t be telling you this but…” You can make the elevator go faster by pressing “close” and your floor at the same time. Source:  Mukul Cha...

LIC Holdings in various companies till 2021

LIC's Holdings in Banking Sector in %* -------- IDBI Bank 51 AXIS BANK 10.37 ICICI BANK 10.37 SBI  9.25 Punjab And Sindh bank  7.4 PNB 7.3 UNION BANK OF INDIA  6.4 CENTRAL BANK OF INDIA 6.19 THE KARNATAKA BANK 4.97 BANK OF BARODA  4.01 CITY UNION BANK 3.86 CORPORATION BANK 3.62 SOUTH INDIAN BANK 3.22 UCO BANK 3.07 ANDHRA BANK  2.64 BANK OF MAHARASHTRA 2.61 HDFC BANK 2.52 KOTAK MAHINDRA BANK 1.95 INDIAN BANK  1.85 LAXMI VILAS BANK  1.71 UNITED BANK OF INDIA 1.27 -------- LIC Portfolio of the Banking and Financial services Cos. constitutes 37% of NIFTY 50 Index!  It's clear that LIC holds a stake in all the public and private banks working across the country LIC's Holdings in % LIC Housing Finance  40.3 ILFS 25.35 INDIA BULLS HOUSING FINANCE  10.78 REC  2.78 AB CAPITAL 2.43 BAJAJ FINSERV  2.16 EDELWEISS FIN SERV  1.14 -------- LIC's Holdings in PSU’s in % -------- MTNL 14.56 MSTC 9.98 NMDC 12.8 NSE 12.51 BHEL 11....

शेयर बाजार निवेशकों की सबसे बड़ी गलती क्या है?

सब से ज्यादा लोग इन दो गलतियों की वजह से शेयर बाजार मे पैसा गंवाते है। (1) गलत एंट्री और गलत एक्ज़िट बिना टेकनिकल समझे, बिना सपोर्ट-रजिस्ट्न्स देखे, जब शेयर बढ़ रहा होता है तो आँख मूंदकर लालच मे खरीद लेते है। और, जैसे ही वे खरीदते है दूसरे दिन से शेयर गिरना शुरू हो जाता है। ठीक है, आपसे लालच मे गलत एंट्री हो गयी, लेकिन जब आप देखते है की शेयर आपकी डाइरेक्शन मे नहीं जा रहा है तो, आपको उसे तुरंत काट देना चाहिए। (2) लॉस को तुरंत नहीं काट पाते शेयर बाजार मे बड़े से बड़ा खिलाड़ी भी लॉस तो करता ही है, लेकिन वह लॉस को तुरंत काट देता है। लोग सोचते रहते है, की शेयर बाजार मे उतार चड़ाव होता ही रहता है। मेरा शेयर अभी नीचे जा रहा है तो, थोड़ी देर बाद ऊपर भी आ जाएगा। लेकिन ऐसा नहीं होता। शेयर नीचे जाता ही रहेगा और आप अत्यधिक पैसा गंवाने के बाद निराश हो कर सारे शेयर बेच देंगे। शेयर बाजार मे लॉस को तुरंत काटकर और विनिंग ट्रेड़ मे धैर्य बनाए रख ही आप पैसा कमा सकते है। इस छोटी सी बात को ज़्यादातर लोग समझ नहीं पाते और समझने के बाद भी इस पर अमल नहीं कर पाते। Source: Brijesh Jivani

Booklist for UPSC by Shubham Kumar & other toppers

What are some good facts about human psychology?

Humans are polygamic in nature(not happy with one sexual partner) Humans are the only species ashamed of their naked bodies. We built everything based on trust (friendship, family, company, brand, country) We are all looking for a higher experience than current experience( we call it more love, more money, more power, more pleasure, etc) Human thoughts are a double-edged sword, thoughts make you more progressive and at the same time thoughts can make you depressive. Humans love to hear other human’s stories(movie, novel, gossips, vlogging) Human life depends on many myths(fashion, status, marriage, society, politics, money, religion, country) Humans are addicted to Oxytocin and Dopamine(love hormone, pleasure hormone) Humans have the feeling of we are the most important species on the planet. Humans are the only species on the planet that seek status - Humans are status driven other species are survival driven. Humans have the ability to socialize which other species don...

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