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What are the best testosterone supplements ?

As this is the major time of your body as it is at its peak of producing testosterone, and which is why should not bother much about your testosterone levels, instead I would recommend you to follow the following habits strictly and with all your heart to give that extra boost your health and hormones like testosterone and remember when I say I want your to follow these then make sure that you add these things to your lifestyle,

1.Eat Healthy Fats in your diet

Fats are the solo nutrients that make and produce hormones in your body from insulin to each and every other hormone in your body is secreted and produced by healthy fats, thus if you are someone who thinks low fat is healthy, you have an answer to that question now, Hence never eliminate good and healhty fats from your diet, make sure you add them in a good amount every day.

Some good source of healhty fats that you should add, Desi ghee, White Butter, Full fat Curd, Egg yolks, Avacaods(if available), Dry fruits(almonds, walnuts, cashew), Extra virgin olive oil, peanut butter, seeds(pumpkin, sunflower, Chia, flex)
Hence never avoid or eliminate healhty fats from your diet, they are the foundation of your health.

2.Lift heavy and add HIIT workouts

When your diet aspect is correct, the other foundation towards good health will be built by weight lifting exercise or resistance training, as it has been proven that indulging in resistance training helps your body to build and repair muscle tissues, which boost the production of testosterone in your body, also being consistent with your exercise and eating healthy food will help you to drop some excess weight, which again promotes the production of testosterone in your body.
Thus join a gym and lift some good weight, "especially dont miss out on your legs workouts" and try to engage in some sessions of HIIT in a week, which will help your body to boost the optimal level of testosterone in your body.
For HIIT as I have said earlier you can follow a circuit of skipping ropes, burpees, and some kettlebell swings.

3.Sleep like a baby

Basically, all the magic of the good thing that you have done in the entire course of the day comes turns out to reality when you are sleeping, as in the deep state of rest our bodies secret and circulate hormones, repair and grow our bodies. Almost every good thing happens when you are sleeping, thus try to prioritize your sleep and sleep for good 7hrs every day.
The goodness of testosterone will be secreted in your good quality sleep only!

4. Add ashwagandha to your diet

Now the only additive herb that you should add to your diet is ashwagandha, it is an ancient ayurvedic herb that is time tested for the benefits it offers to the human body, as ashwagandha helps to reduce the stress hormone called cortisol in your body which further boosts your testosterone. Apart from this it also improves various parameters of your health as well. Thus you can safely add this herb before going to bed with some hot milk and honey.

The only thing that you have to be serious about is to take a good organic ashwagandha.

5.Manage your stress

Try to manage your stress and live more as stress is inversely proportional to your good hormones including testosterone, which is the more stress and toxicity you have in your life the less of the good hormones your body will produce, hence mange your stress.

Therefore these are some safe and healhty habits that you can integrate into your life and be consistent with it.

Source : Rohan Monga


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