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Which life life lesson you learn only after you experience it?

Good looking faces always attract people. It causes embarrassment most of the times mostly in parties . Realised and avoided parties where alcohol is served. All people don’t go for Dowry . I guess good looks compensate dowry . Love is not sex always. Caring and understanding attitude is the secret ingredient of successful marriage. Individuality matters a lot for self esteem. People should know your name , not as a wife of someone. Self independence is absolutely necessary for personal growth. It gives emotional security and respect in the Society. People ask those for help who are in a position to help . I feel happy that I have helped some needy ones in getting jobs. Parents are biased to their children. Even though I am close to them I can feel for others. Friends don’t remain friend if you are more successful than them . Now , even if I introduce myself to some of my school friends they can’t recognise me . It hurts the most. I have regretted for some of my decisions i...

Biggest Funny Joke for non IPO Allotment People

What is smartness, and what can make you smarter?

Learning how to be calmer & learning how to be smarter are the same process, Be careful what you tell people. A friend today, could be an enemy tomorrow, The only way to thrive in the modern world is through ruthless protection of energy & attention, 60 minutes daily: Lifting / Stretching / Movement keeps you strong & flexible. You stay young, The arrival of money is the departure of insults . Don’t be ashamed of your hustle. Those who criticize you won’t pay your bills, Humans are so over stimulated that they need books & app to teach them how to sit alone in silence for 20 minutes. Seeking silence should be a daily habit. Make it a priority, Long term consistency will always beat short term intensity, The modern world is full of easy to abuse addictions . They’re all around us . Choose your addictions wisely, One of the best things to do during your bad days : not reacting even when you really feel like it , The really smart people are clear thinkers, Just...

Why Banks should be Open from Monday to Friday

In this era of modernisation and digital technology, we are living in old standard and stressful banking schedule. This post is dedicated to all the bank employees of India. Banks are always been the main pillars of any country's economy and the work pressure of bank employees is increasing day by day. After the merger, the work pressure is also increased due to lack of staff as many of staff have gone under Voluntary retirement service after merger and privatization of banks.  Many have left the job for better private jobs and that's a wise decision in this time as other private jobs can better pay them with less customer dealing and stress. Most of PSU and private bank employees are suffering from late sitting and stressful work life that then they generally suffers from many diseases in early stage of their career. Banks do the most complicated and profit orientated work as compare to other central and state govt departments but bank employees have lesss relaxati...

जिंदगी को आसान कैसे बनाएं?

जिंदगी को आसान बनाने के लिए बहुत ज्यादा सिद्धांतों में उलझने की बजाय मैं सीधे मुद्दों की बात करना पसंद करुँगी। एक अच्छा जीवनसाथी चुनें जो आपको समझता हो और जिसे आप समझते हों। चाहे उसे ढूंढने में थोड़ा वक्त ही क्यों ना लगे। हालांकि यह उतना आसान नहीं है लेकिन अपना करिअर बनाने के लिए जितना प्रयास हम करते हैं उतना प्रयास इसके लिए भी करें। इस पर जो भी मेहनत लगाओगे वो निश्चित रूप से सार्थक ही होगी। अनावश्यक सामान इकठ्ठा न करें। आजकल मिनिमलिस्म का बड़ा ट्रेंड चल रहा है, कई लोग सिर्फ एक बेकपैक में जितना सामान आये उतना ही रखते हैं। बहुत ज्यादा दीवानापन ना भी रखें तो समय-समय पर अपना सारा सामान चेक करते रहें। उनमें जो भी सामान लम्बे समय से काम नहीं आ रहा है उसे अलविदा कह दें। आप काफी हल्का महसूस करेंगें। जिन कार्यों के लिए आप कर्मचारी रख सकते हैं, उनको खुद करने से बचें। लोगों को रोजगार भी मिलेगा और आप अपनी ऊर्जा ऐसे कार्यों में लगा पाएंगे जो आपके दिल के करीब है तथा जिनकी उपयोगिता अधिक है। बस एक बात का ध्यान रखें अगर घर की रक्षा के लिए आपने कुत्ते पाले हैं तो खुद भौंकने से बचें। जरुरी स...

How to make life easier?

To make life easier, I would prefer to go straight to the issues rather than getting bogged down in too many theories. Choose a good life partner who understands you and who understands you. Even if it takes some time to find him. Although it is not that easy, but try to make your career as much as we try for it. Whatever hard work you put into it, it will definitely be worth it. Don't collect unnecessary stuff . Nowadays, there is a big trend of minimalism, many people keep only as much as they come in a backpack. Even if you do not have a lot of crazy, then keep checking all your belongings from time to time. Say goodbye to whatever stuff is not working in them for a long time. You will feel much lighter. Avoid doing tasks yourself for which you can hire employees. People will also get employment and you will be able to put your energy in such works which are close to your heart and whose utility is more. Just keep in ...

Remaining Schedule of IPL 2021 in Dubai

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