Good looking faces always attract people. It causes embarrassment most of the times mostly in parties . Realised and avoided parties where alcohol is served. All people don’t go for Dowry . I guess good looks compensate dowry . Love is not sex always. Caring and understanding attitude is the secret ingredient of successful marriage. Individuality matters a lot for self esteem. People should know your name , not as a wife of someone. Self independence is absolutely necessary for personal growth. It gives emotional security and respect in the Society. People ask those for help who are in a position to help . I feel happy that I have helped some needy ones in getting jobs. Parents are biased to their children. Even though I am close to them I can feel for others. Friends don’t remain friend if you are more successful than them . Now , even if I introduce myself to some of my school friends they can’t recognise me . It hurts the most. I have regretted for some of my decisions i...
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