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Why Banks should be Open from Monday to Friday

In this era of modernisation and digital technology, we are living in old standard and stressful banking schedule. This post is dedicated to all the bank employees of India.

Banks are always been the main pillars of any country's economy and the work pressure of bank employees is increasing day by day. After the merger, the work pressure is also increased due to lack of staff as many of staff have gone under Voluntary retirement service after merger and privatization of banks. 

Many have left the job for better private jobs and that's a wise decision in this time as other private jobs can better pay them with less customer dealing and stress.

Most of PSU and private bank employees are suffering from late sitting and stressful work life that then they generally suffers from many diseases in early stage of their career.

Banks do the most complicated and profit orientated work as compare to other central and state govt departments but bank employees have lesss relaxation in their life and apart from banking, they are forced to do cross selling at branch level which is already a hell place for them due to huge population and customer footfall.

PSU bankers have also very less salary as compared to the state govt peer employees. Central and state govt. employees are doing less profitable job and enjoying better life with lots of corruption as compared to banks but their corruption does not seen due to less digitization of their department.

Banks always did their Job perfectly whether it was time of demonetization, corona etc. but what they get in reply is less pay, more work, more stress, death, no recognition at all at national level.

Monday to Friday schedule can bring a big peace in the life of bankers and it can be useful to bring bank customers to other alternate digital channels. It can also reduce the cost in branch operations too.

As a responsible govt., It's a moral duty of Indian government to recognize bankers also and make their life less stressful and Saturday-Sunday off can be very handy and grateful for them, so that they can live more life with their families, do their job with less stress and more efficiency.


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