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What pictures show the stark difference between Donald Trump and Obama?

Trump doesn't care what others say about his personal life

However, at least 26 women have accused Trump of sexual misconduct, including his ex-wife, Ivana Trump.

Donald Trump and his former wife, Ivana, pose outside the Federal Courthouse after she was sworn in as a United States citizen in May 1988.

In fact, in a 1990 divorce deposition, Ivana Trump (the mother of his three eldest children) accused him (then-husband) of raping her in 1989.

Rachel Crooks, left, Jessica Leeds, center, and Samantha Holvey accused Trump for sexual misconduct (Photo: a news conference, Monday, Dec. 11, 2017, New York).

Barack Obama attends Harvard Law School.

A Harvard graduate; and president of the Harvard Law Review.


The Obamas.

People’s president


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