I never ever, ever talk about my love life amongst my friends, parents or in public. For example - I was in a relationship with a girl for the past 3 months. No one in my family or my closest friend got to know about that. It’s still and will be a secret for them. I’ve stopped giving free advice to any person around me. Before a certain time, i was the kind of a person who usually gave free advice to anyone but now i’ve vehemently discontinued it and believe me guys, it keeps you way too much calm. I am a Gym freak but i never ever go to the gym without the proper outfit and my sipper bottle. Gym and exercise requires discipline and determination. Every little thing counts when you’re on the journey to improve yourself than yesterday. I am a big CINEPHILE. I watch movies and TV shows every weekend and sometimes in weekdays. It’s just a way to keep myself focused and calm, to keep my mind on a right track. I always greet everyone who is an acquaintance of mine whether he/sh...
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