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What did you learn too late in life?

I am sharing here some of my experiences and some of the sayings of ‘The Great People’. Whatever you do – give it 100% of your efforts. Forgive and let go , forget completely. Read too much. Speak less , listen more. Save a portion of your earnings and avoid credit card debt. Change your thinking and mindset , change your life. Never ever stop learning and growing as a person. Never stuck on a point, try new things , have new experiences. Find a mentor and do what they're doing. Be kind to people; treat people as you would like to treat you. Be persistent. When knowledge and ability aren’t enough, be persistent. “Life is scary. Get used to it. There are no magical fixes. It’s all up to you. So get up off your keister, get out of here, and go start doin’ the work. Nothing in this world that’s worth having comes easy.” Bob Kelso Smart girls like to hear they’re pretty, pretty girls like to hear that they’re smart. Happiness is a choice and everything else is a matter of perspective.

शेयर बाज़ार में मंदी (Bear Phase) के दौरान कौन सी गलतियां नहीं करनी चाहिए?

एक आम निवेशक की कहानी समझते हैं। एक निवेशक है ' राजू ' जिसने 100 से ज्यादा कंपनियों की बैलेंस शीट, प्रॉफिट लॉस स्टेटमेंट, कैशफ्लो स्टेटमेंट इत्यादि पढ़कर और समझकर कुछ 10 ऐसी कंपनियों का चयन किया जिन्हे वो लम्बी अवधि के लिए खरीद सके । उसने यह भी देख लिया की भारत के जाने माने बड़े बड़े निवेशकों ने और म्यूच्यूअल फंड्स ने भी उसके चयन किये हुए कंपनियों के शेयर खरीद रखे हैं। इस से उसका आत्मविश्वास और ज्यादा बढ़ गया है। अब राजू ने हर कंपनी के 1 लाख रुपये के शेयर खरीद लिए। कुल मिलाकर 10 कंपनियों में उसने 10 लाख रुपये निवेश कर दिए। अब वह शान्ति से बैठ गया की उसने 'लम्बी अवधि' के लिए निवेश कर दिया है और उम्मीद करता है की उसके निवेश पर वह अच्छे रिटर्न्स कमा लेगा। 1 साल तक सब सही हो रहा होता है, बाज़ार में तेज़ी चल रही है, सेंसेक्स बढ़ रहा है, उसके निवेश किये हुए 10 कंपनियों में से 6–7 कंपनियां भी अच्छा मुनाफा दे रहे हैं। राजू बहुत खुश है। लेकिन अगले साल शुरू होती है 'मंदी' । राजू को लगता है की यह छोटा मोटा करेक्शन है। राजू अपनी पढ़ी हुयी किताबों (द इंटेलीजेंट इन्वेस्टर) की बातें द

What are some of life’s greatest ironies?

A pair of shoes typically costs 600–1,000 INR, but its place is below the feet. A bindi (colored dot worn by Indian women) costs 1 INR, but it is worn on the forehead. Salt may not be sweet, but it has never attracted insects. Sugar, no matter how sweet it is, does. She uses her body to get the money. She uses her money to get the body. We light candle in the memory of someone who has passed away. We put off candle to celebrate our birthday. Wine sellers never come to us to sell wine. Milkman comes to our home to sell milk. Shoes are sold in air-conditioned stores. Food is sold on the roadside. You don’t like white hair, but you like white skin. You like black hair, but you dislike black skin. Aren’t they looking gorgeous together? He runs for his stomach. He too runs for his stomach. This is your necessity. But, the same thing is their luxury. This is a light hearted answer based on few of my observations. Readers are requested to please refrain from generalisation. Source : Quora (Sa

What is something that only the 1% richest people understand that the rest of us don't?

Elon Musk Learned About space and Aeronautics from the Books. Bill Gates reads a book in a week. Warren Buffet invests 80% time in reading daily. Mark Zuckerberg invests his free time in reading. What is something that only the 1% richest people understand that the rest of us don't? The 1% Rich People knows that Knowledge is Power the More you acquire the knowledge the richer you become. Source : Quora

What are fine ideas for wasting our time?

Only backbiting without doing any productive Criticisms without filtering yourself Shouting only saying that degree isn't necessary in life, learning matter; But never try to learn something new Watching BIGBOSS, T20 cricket match, Pro Kabaddi league, ISL etc. Making relationships unnecessarily Just walking in the name of jogging Negative thinking Driving in city traffic jam Coffee in CCD, you waste both time and money Giving unnecessary advices to others

What are sad facts of life

Girls like the Bad Boys Yes, if you think that girls like the nice guys, the too much caring guys, the guys who are always available for them, then you are so much wrong. Now, the thing is that, bad boys have a certain vibe about them that the girls are attracted to, this does not mean that they like the wrong things that these guys do, but rather, they love the energy these guys have. Energy of Power, dominance, confidence, certainty. 2. Nobody Cares about your problems If you think that by sharing your hardships with the world, people will understand you or do something for you, then my friend you are highly mistaken. Literally, nobody except your parents, care about you or your problems, and some actually use your problems against you. Only you can solve your own problems, don’t seek the help of outside world. 3. You’ll face deep pain Nobody can truly grow as an individual without suffering most devastating pain. It can be a bad break up, trauma, loss of closed ones, business failu

अंतर्मुखी इंसान किसे कहते हैं?

अंतर्मुखी लोग कम बोलते हैं, उनके दोस्त भी चुनिंदा होते हैं, कभी-कभी वे तुनक मिजाज, कभी शर्मीले और कभी असामाजिक भी होते हैं। कभी वे अपने मन की बात को दूसरों के सामने आसानी से नहीं रख पाते, तो कभी औरों से बेहतर तरीके से समझाते हैं। वे असानी से किसी के साथ घुल मिल नहीं पाते, लेकिन उनके अंदर ही अपना एक संसार बसा होता है। इन सभी के बावजूद अंतर्मुखी लोगों में कुछ बातें बेहद खास होती हैं जो उन्हें दूसरों से अलग बनाती हैं। जानिए क्या हैं वे खास बातें - 1 खुद पर विश्वास - भले ही अंतर्मुखी लोग कम बोलते हैं, लेकिन उनमें आत्मविश्वास की कोई कमी नहीं होती। बल्कि उन्हें दूसरों की अपेक्षा खुद पर ज्यादा भरोसा होता है। वे अपने निर्णय के लिए दूसरों पर निर्भर नहीं होते और यही कारण है कि वे अच्छे या बुरे परिणाम के लिए किसी और को दोषी भी नहीं ठहराते। 2 खुद के साथ समय बिताना - वे अपनों से बहुत प्यार करते हैं, लेकिन अकेले समय बिताने में भी उन्हें कोई परेशानी नहीं होती। बल्कि ऐसे समय में भी वे समय का सदुपयोग करना अच्छी तरह से जानते हैं। कभी किताबों में मन बहलाकर तो कभी अपने पसंद की चीजें कर वे इस अकेलेपन का

हर्षद मेहता ने शेयर बाजार में किस तरह पैसा बनाया

एक समय था जब सेंसेक्स 1000 से ऊपर नहीं जा पाता था, जब कभी 1000 से ऊपर जाने की कोशिश करता तब कुछ शक्तिशाली लोग बड़े बड़े कंपनियों के शेयर बेचने लगते थे ताकि सेंसेक्स गिर जाए। हर्षद मेहता चाहते थे की जो कंपनी अच्छी हैं, उनके शेयर नहीं गिरने चाहिए। हर्षद मेहता ने भारत में फंडामेंटल एनालिसिस को लोकप्रिय किया । वह अपनी रिसर्च रिपोर्ट बनाते थे और लोग उन कंपनियों के शेयर खरीदते थे जिनके फंडामेंटल्स अच्छे हैं। लेकिन कुछ लोगों को मार्किट के गिरने से ही फायदा था तो अपने पैसे के बलबूते पर वह लोग उन कंपनियों के शेयर को इतना बेचते थे की शेयर की कीमत गिर जाए। फिर हर्षद मेहता ने पब्लिक सेक्टर बैंक UTI के चेयरमैन को भरोसे में लिया ताकि यह शक्तिशाली लोग जितना बेचें उस से ज्यादा हर्षद मेहता खरीद सकें और शेयर की कीमत कभी ना गिरे। भारत में कुछ ऐसे भी लोग थे जो चाहते थे की भारत की उन्नति हो। शेयर बाजार किसी भी देश की रीढ़ की हड्डी जैसी होती है जो मजबूत होनी चाहिए। कुछ बड़े उद्योगपति ने भी हर्षद मेहता का साथ दिया और पहली बार सेंसेक्स ने 1000 का लेवल तोड़ा, फिर 2000, 3000 करके आगे बढ़ता रहा। बाज़ार में मानो एक लहर

Why Modi Government is a Failure

Hello Friends Today I will talk about the failures of Modi Government: 1.This government is the most egoish party that they don't care about any protest and they simply ignore them aur called them deshdrohi. 2. Education Institutions are messed up: Students are busy in protest/Dharna than study 3. Government Institutions are messed up: We know what had happened in the last 5 years in Supreme Court, CBI, RBI etc. 4. Demonetization blunder: It was disastrous decision for indian economy as it took back India by 10 years. 5.GST: This government makes decisions without any pilot experiment for 2-3 months. GST is one of them. 6. Fake Hinduism: In constitution, India is secular country. You should make population control law, Uniform civil code nothing else. 7. Media is sold out: That's the saddest part of this government, whether you do wrong or right, media will always praise modi government but truth would be different. 8.Mob lynching: People are killing in name of cows. 9. Low GDP

Coronavirus- A new Danger to the society and how to deal with it

Hello Guys China is suffering from coronovirus , a new kind of threat to the society. Death cases of about 200+ are already reported and thousands of people are in hospitals with infections.Its a new mutative virus which is changing it's form by the time experts find its remedy. First we have to understand about coronavirus before finding about its preventive measures: A coronavirus is a kind of common virus that causes an infection in your nose,  sinuses , or upper throat. Most coronaviruses are not dangerous. Often a coronavirus causes upper respiratory infection symptoms like a stuffy nose, cough, and sore throat. You can treat them with rest and over-the-counter medication. The coronavirus can also cause middle ear infections in children. The symptoms of most coronaviruses are similar to any other upper respiratory infection, including  runny nose ,  coughing ,  sore throat , and sometimes a fever. In most cases, you won't know whether you have a coronavirus or a different

Buy IRCTC stock, A new Multibagger Stock

Hello Friends Good Morning, Met you after long time. These days I am not writing because I was busy studying about markets and how some investors are making fortunes out of stocks. One thing I notice that in stock market, patience is also key to the success. If you pick just good stocks for investment then you can easily make fortunes from it. I am saying it so because we know there are 5000+ listed companies in BSE and NSE, so there are many garbage stocks where operators are playing there game (operators are leachers that raises stock prices intentionally and spread rumours in forums to buy such stocks among retail investors like you and me). So before buying stocks , research about its fundamentals then invest in it. Today I am talking about one company which has very strong business presence in the market or we can say it has monopoly in the market right now. It is the only company which is managing railway ticketing and catering business in entire india and packed by Indian Govern


Hello Friends Recently I have come across a problem in my smartphone while switching from SIM 2 TO SIM 1 (Jio Sim). While switching the sim, the error which was coming " Data Subscription Change in progress" and i was unable to use Jio in Sim1. So now i will tell you the solution of this problem step by step First Go to Settings of your smartphone. Then go to Apps Now click on Settings and clear all data and cache file. Now You can easily switch your sim and enjoy Jio Sim etc. A video Tutorial is also created to help you out too. I hope you like this, so kindly comment below the post and do share your response. Thanks for reading :)

How promises become blunders and Modi government an Anti National Party of All Time

Hello Friends When i was writing this post, i had bit confusion in my mind, whether should i write this post against Modi Government or not. The sense of fear that has been created during these 5 years (2014-till now) was not there in last 60 years of independence. There were successful protests, marching against ideology of previous governments but this government has some ego problems. Their main Ego is: " They hate Criticism and they can kill critique ". The line which is bold is first quality of Dictatorship. But still democracy prevails in India, so i can write this. So lets move to the title of the story. We elected BJP not Narendra Modi in 2014 Loksabha Elections not because of our love to BJP but because, we were fed up by 10 years of Manmohan Singh Led UPA govt. We were fed up by the news of corruption charges on UPA politicians, rising inflation and petrol-diesel rates, rape and molestation of women. I know that time, it was 2014 elections when 2014 T20

How to reach Nunkun Assessment centre C-129 Naraina Industrial Area

Hello Guys Today I will teach you the path of Exam Centre Nunkun Assessment Centre C-129 near Naraina Industrial Area, Delhi-110028 via Metro. So Firstly, here is the pic of Exam Centre for your convenience. Nunkun Assessment Centre, Naraina     And Now time to tell the route Nunkun Assessment Centre is near the Shadipur Metro Station which is on the blue line (Noida-dwarka route), as i picked metro from Mayur Vihar Phase-1, so i am showing you the map of route so that you can take some idea from it and it will help you definitely You have to get out from Metro Gate No-6. Just go straight after coming out from gate no-6 and there will 4 way road, and you can see E-Rickshaw standing there which will take you to the centre in Rs 10/- They will leave you on main road ,you just have to cross the road and reach the exam Centre. Best Of Luck !!!! I hope you like this, so kindly comment below the post and do share your response. Thanks for reading :)

Do and Don' t for Your ATM

Customers-Be Aware Do’s and Don’ts of ATM transactions Do’s Conduct your ATM transactions in complete privacy, never let anyone see you entering your Personal Identification Number (ATM Password) After completion of transaction ensure that welcome screen is displayed on ATM screen Ensure your current mobile number is registered with the bank so that you can get alerts for all your transactions Beware of suspicious movements of people around the ATM or strangers trying to engage you in conversation Look for extra devices attached to the ATMs that looks suspicious Inform the bank if the ATM/Debit card is lost or stolen, immediately, report if any unauthorised transaction Check the transaction alert SMSs and bank statements regularly If cash is not dispensed the ATM does not display “cash out” please report to the Bank on the number mentioned in the Notice Board Immediately check your phone for SMS for debit amount Don’ts Do not write your PIN on the card,

List Of Scientific Name Of Animals and Birds

Common Name Of Animals & Birds Scientific Name Peacock Pavo cristatus Fox Vulpes vulpes Tiger Panthera Tigris Horse Equus caballus Buffalow Babalus bubalis Dog Canis lupus familiaris Cat Felis domesticus Rhesus monkey or baudar Macaca mulatta Hippopotamus Hippopotamus amphibius Rhinoceros Rhinoceros unicornis Kashmir stag or hangul Cervus canadensis hanglu Elephant Elephas maximus Chinkara Gazella bennettii Lion Panthera leo Pigeon Columba livia King Cobra Ophiophagus hannah Wild Ass Equus africanus asinus Leopard or Panther Panthera pardus Cheetah Acinonyx jubatus Frog Rana Tigrina

If Game of Thrones characters were played by Bollywood Stars

I wonder if one of the most desired and addictive television series Game of thrones was played by Indian Characters. Lets make some match for our GOT Characters. 1. Jon Snow (Shahid Kapoor) 2. Hodor (Rishi Kapoor) 3.Ramsay Bolton (Tahir Raj) 4.Lord Varys (Manoj Joshi) 5.Gendry (Randeep Hooda) 6. Danaerys Targaryne (Shraddha Kapoor) 7. Cersie Lannister (Nargis Fakhri) 8.Dario Noharis (Ranveer Singh) 9. Jorah Mormount (Akshay Kumar) 10.Tyrion Lannister ( Sorry, couldn't find for this man) 11. Ned Stark (Salman Khan) 12.Sansa Stark (Kriti Sanon) 13.Marcella Baratheon (Shivangi Joshi) 14. Catelyn Stark (Aishwarya Rai) 15. Khal Drogo (Rana Daggubatti) 16. Lord Baelish(Vivek Oberoi) 17.Margery Tyrell (Alia Bhatt) 18. Gregor Clegane (Khali) 19.Arya Stark (Zaira Wasim) 20. Ros (Sunny Leone) 21. The Hound (John Abraham) 22. Samwell Tarley (Varun Sharma) 23.Jaimie Lannister( Arjun Rampal) 24. Joffrey Bara

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