The first lady to become Miss World = Rita Faria The first woman judge in Supreme Court = Mrs. Meera Sahib Fatima Bibi The first woman Ambassador = Miss C.B. Muthamma The first woman Governor of a state in free India = Mrs Sarojini Naidu The first woman Speaker of a State Assembly = Shanno Devi The first woman Prime Minister = Mrs Indira Gandhi The first woman Minister in a Government = Rajkumari Amrit Kaur The first woman to climb Mount Everest = Bachhendri Pal The first woman to climb Mount Everest twice = Santosh Yadav The first woman President of Indian National Congress = Mrs Annie Besant The first woman pilot in Indian Air Force = Harita Kaur Dayal The first woman Graduates = Kadambini Ganguly and Chandramukhi Basu, 1883 The first woman Airline Pilot = Durba Banerjee The first woman Honours Graduate = Kamini Roy, 1886
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