HELLO FRIENDS, Today i wanna open a big scam in front of you i.e. HONDA LOTTERY PROMOTIONS. Some days ago on 25 September 2013 i got an email from email address-honda.customerservicedepts@hotmail.com that i have won a prize money of three hundred and fifty thousand,great Britain pound sterling (355,000.00 GBP),1 laptop & 2 Honda t-shirts. They said that their computer system randomly choose my mail address for being best online from several years. WHEN I READ IT FIRST TIME I WAS SAYING WHAT IS THIS ????????????? I was totally surprised ,here i am providing a pic of that mail You can zoom it by clicking it. After that i just Google on HONDA LOTTERY PROMOTIONS and check it about.After certain investigation on it , i found it as big scam . Now you will be thinking ,i will stop it here. BUT NOT I just want to know that why are they sending such type of emails. Is it beneficial for sending such type of...
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