If you didn’t work hard for yourself today , you’ll soon be working hard for someone else , Who’ll you be on the most stressful day of your life ? You’ll only have the mind you built for yourself . Keep checking in with yourself, You don’t want to be like most of your friends. Look at them, obsessed over a single woman who barely even gives them the time of the day . Pathetic ! Rise above them , Allowing yourself to be human is the most basic thing ever . There’s freedom in that space , Remember to connect with people now & then . In fact, pick up the phone, right now , & call a friend for no other reason than to say ”Hello “ . That’s great. Your network , like all living beings, needs to be fed in order for it to keep existing , Ask yourself “ how do I feel right now” . It’ll give you a chance to get out of your head & embrace the present . Embrace mindfulness as a way of living, Staying committed to healthy daily habits is like writing a series of love letters...
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