➤➤ Buddism was founded by Gautama Siddhartha who was a Kshatriya prince of the Sakya/Shakya clan . ➤➤ Lord Buddha was born in 623 BC in the sacred area of Lumbini (near Kapilavastu) located in the Terai plains of southern Nepal. ➤➤ Siddhartha received enlightenment at Bodh Gaya(Bihar) at the age of 35, under a Pipal tree and became the Buddha. ➤➤ He delivered his first sermon at Sarnath in Banaras and spread his message for approximately 40 years, before dying at the age of 80 in 487 BC at Kushinagar in Deoria district of eastern Uttar Pradesh. ➤➤ The Buddha taught in the language of the ordinary people, Prakrit , so that everybody could understand his message. ➤➤ There are many stories about Buddha’s lives and are called Jatakas. ➤➤ The sacred book...
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