1. Anti-submarine torpedo Varunastra inducted in Navy i. Indigenously-built heavyweight anti-submarine torpedo Varunastra has been successfully inducted in the navy, making India one of the 8th countries to have the capability to design and build such a system. ii. Developed by Naval Science and Technological Laboratory (NSTL), a premier laboratory of DRDO. iii. Having almost 95 % indigenous content, Varunastra, costing about Rs 10-12 crore per unit, is capable of targeting quiet and stealthy submarines, both in deep and littoral waters in intense counter-measure environment. 2. Malaysia gets 2 women Shariah HC judges i. Two women have been appointed as judges of Malaysia’s Islamic Shariah High Court for the first time in the history of the judiciary of the Muslim-majority country. Noor Huda Roslan, 40, and Nenney Shuhaidah Shamsuddin, 41. ii. Shariah High Court deals with exclusively Islamic laws, having jurisdiction upon every Muslim in Malaysia. iii. Shariah High Court, ...
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