Hello guys, as you know I am doing internship at IIIT-Allahabad ( if don't then no problem :P). The total duration of internship is around 3 months so i am not interested in making new friends at all. But due to some urgency, you have to talk some people. So there is mess boy, 2-3 years younger than me, who serves the food in IIIT-Allahabad mess with his colleagues. He is having good nature and simple personality. One day he asked me to teach English to him, i was totally surprised as my own English is not that perfect till now. But I also know the fact that i could teach some basic English to him. So I will teach him English till my internship's last date. He is also a music lover, specially old songs lover. He told me about that and ask me to download some songs for him (as he don't know how to access internet). I also agreed with a thinking - "There will be only some songs (around 50-60) and i can manage that with my internship work". But then he gives me this...
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