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How to reach ION DIGITAL ZONE IDZ1 & IDZ2, Mathura road, Near Sarita Vihar

Hello Friends, Today I will tell you about the path of exam centre - " ION DIGITAL ZONE IDZ 2 MATHURA ROAD A 27 MOHAN CO­OP INDU. ESTATE NEAR SARITA VIHAR, DELHI 110044". First of all it is easy to reach there as metro station is near the exam centre.  Nearest metro station to exam centre is Mohan Estate . The common path is from Mandi House to Mohan Estate. It will take around 36 minutes to reach there from Mandi House. After reaching Mohan Estate , move to your left hand side and take a walking distance of around 5-7 minutes. Just follow the path till pillar numbers 294, 293, 292. Both exam centres IDZ2 and IDZ1 come along the way with 2 consecutive cuts (IDZ2 at first cut and IDZ1 at second cut) on the left hand side. I hope it will help you BEST OF LUCK  I hope you like this, so kindly comment below the post and do share your response. Thanks for reading :)

Is ebiz a scam or true company ?

Friends, Today i want to give review about a private company pvt. Ltd . Friends this company is totally true and registered by government of india.This company provides free e-learning computer education program for some courses. if you have to know all these courses with set of CDs then you can purchase their product at the price of 9556 Rs/-.You have to submit this money as demand draft in favor of ebiz After purchasing this product,you can join their commission share program also i which you have to bring many person as you can in their meeting.After that meeting ,senior ebizzors will play with your friends mind to join ebiz pvt. Ltd. If  two of your friend ready to join ebiz,then you will be eligible to earn money at ebiz. It can be look like if u r A ,then first friend B will be on your left leg and second friend C will be on your right leg. If another friend join your group then you can put that on your any of leg.After cre...

How to reach Nunkun Assessment centre C-129 Naraina Industrial Area

Hello Guys Today I will teach you the path of Exam Centre Nunkun Assessment Centre C-129 near Naraina Industrial Area, Delhi-110028 via Metro. So Firstly, here is the pic of Exam Centre for your convenience. Nunkun Assessment Centre, Naraina     And Now time to tell the route Nunkun Assessment Centre is near the Shadipur Metro Station which is on the blue line (Noida-dwarka route), as i picked metro from Mayur Vihar Phase-1, so i am showing you the map of route so that you can take some idea from it and it will help you definitely You have to get out from Metro Gate No-6. Just go straight after coming out from gate no-6 and there will 4 way road, and you can see E-Rickshaw standing there which will take you to the centre in Rs 10/- They will leave you on main road ,you just have to cross the road and reach the exam Centre. Best Of Luck !!!! I hope you like this, so kindly comment below the post and do share your response. Thanks for reading ...

How to answer the question to get good marks

Friends, These are the points to get good marks to answer a question in the exams 1.Always use blue pen to write the whole paper. 2.Always spare two lines after answering any question.

Admission Procedure in Delhi Technological University,Delhi

HI I am student of Delhi technological university. Here i m providing the procedure of admission of DTU. You have to just follow these procedure:

जीवन में काम की बातें जरूर पढ़ें

1.खुद की कमाई से कम खर्च हो ऐसी जिन्दगी बनाओ..! 2. दिन मेँ कम से कम 3 लोगो की प्रशंशा करो..! 3. खुद की भुल स्वीकार ने मेँ कभी भी संकोच मत करो..! 4. किसी के सपनो पर हँसो मत..! 5. आपके पीछे खडे व्यक्ति ...

What does a true Brit bite?

By Vidya Venkat Those rallying for British nationalism and a concomitant Brexit are forgetting that 'British culture' today is a nebulous idea. If people are what they eat, then there could be nothing uniquely ‘British’ about the Brits. When the news of the Brexit vote started coming in on Friday, June 24, my mind instantly went back to an ethnographic study of the popular UK supermarket chain Sainsbury’s, which I had done five years ago as a student of anthropology in London. Source: Wikipedia Bronisław Malinowski, a 20th-Century anthropologist, argued that culture functioned to meet the needs of individuals rather than society as a whole. Meaning, in an age of globalisation following a history of colonial cross-assimilation, Britain can hardly have an 'authentic culture'. In the study, I had set out to decode the Malinowskian “imponderabilia of everyday life” of the average British citizen. Bronislaw Malinowski, the father figure of British social anthr...

Facts About Madhya Pradesh

As its name suggests, Madhya Pradesh is situated in the very heart of India. It shares its borders with five other states viz., Rajasthan in the north-west, Uttar Pradesh in the north, Gujarat in the west, Maharashtra in the south and Chhattisgarh in the north-east. Madhya Pradesh, with an area of 3, 08, 000 sq. km is the second largest state in India after Rajasthan. It is a part of peninsular plateau of India lying in north central part, whose boundary can be classified in the north by the plains of Ganga-Yamuna, in the west by the Aravali, east by the Chhattisgarh plain and in the south by the Tapti valley and the plateau of Maharashtra. Madhya Pradesh takes pride in having the country's largest forest coverage of 94689.38 Out of 94689.38, 61886.49 is reserved forest, 31098 is protected forest and 1705.85 falls under unclassified forest. Capital city:  Bhopal Chief Minister:  Shivraj Singh Chouhan Governor:  Ram Naresh Yad...

Gk Update 16 June 2016

1. Railways flags off 1st time-tabled freight train i. Railway Minister Suresh Prabhu has flagged off India's first timetabled freight train, named ‘Cargo Express’, from Delhi to Bengaluru.  ii. The move aims to reduce the delay and uncertainty over the time schedule for delivery of goods.  iii. Earlier, passenger trains in the country used to get preference over goods trains for transportation across busy routes. 2. Union Cabinet approvals on 15th June,2016 i. The Union Cabinet gave its ex-post facto approval to the MoU for the cooperation in the field of agriculture and allied sector between India and Taiwan. Besides, the cabinet also gave its nod to the signing of Air Services Agreement between both the countries. The MoU was signed between Taipei Economic and Cultural Centre in India and India-Taipei Association in Taipei, Taiwan. ii. The 2nd approval by Union Cabinet is for the Enforcement of Security Interest and Recovery of Debts Laws and Mis...

Aam aadmi party-A new hope

Friends, You all know for a common people,politics is just a dirty game to watch out.Many political parties promise people to fulfill their basic needs-Food,shelter,employment,electricity,water etc.But immediately after the election they vanishes from the lives of the public and start living in government giving flats,kothees and go anywhere in top red light ambassader car. I don't know why these people get- 1.Flats,Kothees for their residence even they have their own homes. 2.They travel in ambassader car without giving any maintaince cost like petrol etc.Some of the ministers use these car to bring their relative one from many places. 3.There is another indian rule that ministers and their relatives can go in flights for no charge. I don't know what is all that bullshit for these beggar politicians. But now in india , Aam Aadmi party can be a good alternative against all these corrupt politicians.The head of Aam Aadmi party is Mr.Arvind kejriwal,former IA...

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