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Uttar Kumar is the best actor of Haryanvi movies

Today i am talking about a Haryanvi actor Uttar Kumar who is very popular among north Indian states for his Haryanvi movies.After seeing the work of Uttar Kumar as compare to other actors in Haryanvi movies,he can be considered as the best actor of these movies.
Uttar Kumar lives in Uttar Pradesh in Hazipur Loni (Ghaziabad). He studied in Allahabad University

He has done a lot of haryanvi movies which are quite popular in the states like Haryana,Uttar Pradesh,Delhi and other state people who atleast know hindi.These all movies are not totally pure in haryanvi,they are quite near to hindi language and easy to understand.

He also won several awards:
1.Best actor in Haryanvi movies.
2.Dada saheb falke by idea & bijnore press parishad.
3.Kala ratna by an organisation.
4.2012 & 2013 human rights award by international human rights organisation.
5.Rajiv gandhi excellence award- 2014
Actor Uttar Kumar is quite famous because:
1.He does the serious as well as funny acting with proper dialog delivery,not like other haryanvi actors who always just say their dialogs without any emotions.
2.Way of talking dialogs of Uttar Kumar is also very popular among the people who love him very much.
3.In the Uttar Pradesh and Haryana,people love to fight and Uttar Kumar presents all its skills just like a pure fighting Haryanvi actor.
4.The excellent work of other co-actors also help his films to reach up to Top.
5.Some of the films of Uttar kumar are:

  • Dhakad chora

  • Akkad

  • Nikkamma

  • Dhakad Chora 2

  • Khadtal

  • Karmveer

  • Daaka
  • Senapati
  • Besabar
  • Jhalak
  • Akarbaaz

  • Laat saab

  • Natkhat
  • Had ho gayi
  • Fakkad

  • Dear vs Bear

These films are just mind blowing that one can easily say Uttar Kumar is the best actor of Haryanvi movies. 

And if you want to know about latest news of Uttar kumar
Visit his Facebook Page- Click Here


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    1. watch uttar kumar movies at

  2. His movies are available on youtube.

    Go and watch online or you can download it by installing freemake video downloader.

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