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SBI PO Salary and Other Benefits

Well this post will obviously give you some motivation to work hard for your goal. Ultimately everyone is working to earn their bread and butter and no one would mind to have a dessert by the end of the day. SBI is known for its perks and benefits and I am sure it is something that everyone of you would like to have.

SBI PO is most sought after job after RBI. Well definitely, SBI PO 2017 is going to change the life of some aspirants. In terms of Social Status and Financial Status, SBI is going to give you an identity that anyone would like to have. We have received thousands of mail and queries regarding the salary of SBI PO. Well, the salary of SBI PO is more than the salary of other banks PO. In terms of various perks, SBI enables its employees with more financial stability.

This post is dedicated to the salary components and growth path in SBI. Before we discuss the exact salary structure of SBI PO, we would like to share one more fact that it differs from place to place. The basic components remain the same, but allowances are different for different cities. Now let us discuss the salary structure of SBI PO who will be joining the bank by the end of 2017.

The basic salary of SBI PO mentioned in Official Notification is Rs. 23700. But the SBI Probationary Officer gets 4 advance increments of Rs 980 which will be added to the basic. Now the basic that we get in total is Rs. 27620


Basic Salary = Rs. 27620
Dearness Allowance = Rs. 12677
City Compensatory Allowance (CCA) = Rs. 870
Special Allowance = Rs. 2140

Total Earning Before Deductions = Rs. 43307


PF (10% of Basic) = Rs. 2762
NPS (10% of Basic+DA) = Rs. 4000
Income Tax = As per govt norms.

Other allowances including Newspapers, Entertainment allowance, Conveyance etc.) = Rs. 4130
HRA = Rs. 2486

Salary In Hand = Rs 40000 Per Month (Approx.)

Below Is The Salary Slip Of Currently Working Scale I Officer In SBI

Apart from above said renumerations, the officers are entitled to following benefits as well:

Leased accommodation ranging from Rs 8,000/- in ‘C’ category Centres to Rs.29,500/- in Mumbai Centre.Medical Aid for Self (100%) and for Family (75%).Home Travel Concession/ Leave Fare Concession.Concessional interest rates for Housing/Car/Personal Loans

This is all that one should know about the salary component of SBI Probationary Officer. So friends, we are sure that these monetary benefits are enough to encourage you all. And apart from these, you will be the BANKER in SBI. Below Image will describe the Growth Path of Probationary Officer.


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