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Sachin Out at 74 in his last inning

Hello friends,

This can be a disheartful situation for all the cricket fans of a great player Sachin Tendulkar who is retiring from cricket after playing his 200th test match.
On his last inning against West Indies, he out for 74 which is a good knock but not sufficient for sachin's fans because they just wanted to see sachin on the pitch.They were just enjoying the presence of this great batsman.
But cricket always says-"The show must go on".
Now Sachin will always be present in our mind doing batting,bowling,fielding.This is always be a heart broken situation because now sachin will never be seen with indian cricket team t-shirt contributing for india.
But we can't stop it because one who has come has to go one day,thats nature's rule.
We know ,we will praise another player in future but contribution of Sachin can never be forgotten.
So Good bye Sachin.
Good bye Master Blaster :(


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