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katrina kaif - Ranbeer kapoor relationship scandal revealed by bikini show of katrina

Today I want to tell about the most mirch masala topic of the B-Town that is the new bikini show scandal of katrina kaif at the beach of Sri lanka.Recently Katrina kaif is found to be in two piece bikini with Actor Ranbeer Kapoor at the beach of Sri Lanka.This total incident also reveal that Ranbeer Kappor and katrina kaif are in relationship and media is taking full advantage of this total incident.
Ranbir Kapoor and Katrina Kaif might chose to keep mum on their relationship, but their latest images speak a thousand words! In the latest edition of Stardust magazine, Ranbir is seen along with a bikini-clad Katrina on a beach. It is believed that the pictures were clicked during their Spanish holiday earlier this month.
Says Ram Kamal Mukherjee, the editor of Stardust, "I think falling in love is beautiful. Ranbir Kapoor and Katrina Kaif never admitted in public that they are in love with each other. But Stardust and my team from USA were constantly on the run for exclusive images and information. When we got these images, we were sure that the couple is very much in love with each other. Ranbir never spoke openly about Katrina, neither did Katrina admit that she is in love with Ranbir. But I guess these images will clear all assumptions and put an end to the speculation."

Rumoured lovers Ranibr Kapoor and Katrina Kaif have always remained mum about their romance, but the couple has been caught red-handed on more occasions than one. And these pictures of the lovers speak a thousand words. The couple was caught chilling out at a beach during their recent holiday in Spain. 
"I think falling in love is beautiful. Ranbir Kapoor and Katrina Kaif never admitted in public that they are in love with each other. But Stardust and my team from USA were constantly on the run for exclusive images and information. When we got this images, we were sure that the couple is very much in love with each other. Ranbir never spoke openly about Katrina, neither did Katrina admit that she is in love with Ranbir. But I guess these images will clear all assumptions and put an end to the speculation,"said Ram Kamal Mukherjee, Editor, Stardust.
Ranbeer Kapoor and Katrina Kaif are little much in tension after seeing all these stories.
I do not know what is the real relationship between Ranbeer Kapoor and Katrina Kaif but it totally looking like a love between these bollywood celebrities as they are only enjoying these moments with each other.
(Image Courtesy: Stardust)


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